Thursday TV Roundup

Feb 05, 2007 19:46

Happy Birthday sisabet and coffeeandink! It was great to meet both of you at Vividcon :) Also Happy Belated Birthdays to yhlee, almostcanon and clayangel! Hope you all had great days.

Nothing makes me happier than walking outside into 80 degree, sunshine filled days. It puts a smile on my face whenever I do it, knowing that I'm living the dream when I would have been freezing only a year ago. Second semester has begun and my days are pretty packed from 8-5. The good news is I'm making a lot of money and taking two awesome classes I'm loving, Social Psychology and Cognitive Psychology. So interesting and the professors seem great so far.

I'm still obsessed with The Office and have now rewatched all the episodes twice. I'm planning a third rewatching as well. It's just SO GOOD and I am completely in love with all the characters (except Andy). The show makes me so happy with Michael always making me smile. I've been watching a bunch of vids for it and found two that were well edited and wonderful here: with Love Machine being fast paced and fun and Lovin' Each Day being super cute, funny Jim/Pam goodness. Since I've been in a comedy mood, I've been rewatching Arrested Development and I think although both shows are about equal in quality, The Office has been more successful because of its ability to fully love and relate to the characters as well as having a big ship that people can get behind. I tried 30 Rock but didn't find it that funny and I'm beginning Scrubs now which I have yet to form an opinion on yet. And I'm still continuing to watch Gilmore Girls and Due South, both which I still enjoy very much.

Thursday night is definitely the best night of the week with The Office, Supernatural and Grey's Anatomy.

I love Michael's tape in the beginning. "Epiphery"! Dwight shaking his head at Michael getting it wrong and then Dwight in a bra! Oh, Dwight. And then the son maybe being a murderer, "maybe that's how you die". Hee! I adorethe Wikipedia reference and Michael's misunderstanding. And I love Michael thinking of his better weddding, probably thinking of Jan. And then the GAI and the "hourlong shower with guys" hehe. Oh, Michael. Aww Michael never being to a Bachelor's party :( "Shut up, Angela!" at the strippers never gets old. Michael mistaking the Ben Franklin imitator for a stripper was just way too funny. Alias reference! And then the return of the Foreman girll that burned Michael's fooot, "I got all the foot off of it". Hee. Manmeat!

Michael's excitement at the stripper is too cute considering he's like a kid hehe. And then "I have a girlfriend" leading right into "This is wrong" is just too perfect. He totally loves Jan! Awww Michael. I love how in the end, the stripper just giving him simple truth is what makes Michael tell Jan ("dance up" hee!). "That is not the real Ben Franklin. I am 99% sure." So funny! I love you, Dwight. I really like how when Jan answers the phone, it's so much softer to him especially the "Are you okay?" Aww. And then my favorite, "I'm closer to firing you" "You are so sweet" Awww Michael you are so cute, it should be illegal. Best girlfriend ever!

At the moment, I am completely loving the emotional porn with Dean and Sam. I could enjoy each episode if they kept giving one scene per episode of that. Playthings was amazing with the drunken touching and need and they were sooo close to drunken sex. Highlight of Nightshifter was definitely that end with the awesome music and them escaping with "We are so screwed". Yay consequences! Didn't like the last episode as much, mostly because I don't care much about the episodic plots at all as I'm not much into horror. Also, Dean? Still super hot.

Finally a good episode! I loved Mark and Addison's flirting with the "I don't think about you" and how that comes back for them later. Meredith is a million times better when she deals with her mother (or Cristina) so it was great to see that plot. I hate the Callie and George marrying storyline, they've barely gotten back together or really know each other and George's dad just dies and then they get married? Ugh. I don't care about either of them now so whatever. Izzie stealing patients was too funny, it's great to see Meredith, Cristina and Izzie have scenes. Addison looking at Alex was hot but Alex is most decidedly not IMO so I really don't want them together because I think Alex is bland and beneath her. And it interferes with my ship ;) Poor Meredith with her mom :( It was so awesome to see Cristina and Meredith's mom interact, Cristina taking advice from her makes a lot of sense. The blood toxin was a great plot, lots of suspense there and I loved Addison going in there and then being hugged by Mark on the way out.

Mmm Mark and Addison sex, yay! I will ignore any thinking of Alex implications, thank you very much. It was very hot. Even though I am very disappointed at the writers for making Mark one dimensional, I will keep up hope that someday he and Addison will be able to work it out. Then came my favorite scene with Cristina and Burke. Cristina=perfect. "I don't do rings" is exactly how I like her perspective on marriage with strong reminders of Brian and Justin. I love how she touches him and his look and then how they both declare their independence. But YAY! Smiling and twirling in each other's arms makes me SO HAPPY. That is the reason why I fell in love with Cristina and Burke in the first place. Absolutely beautiful and wonderful and perfect :D

Is it Thursday yet?

mark/addison, college, gilmore girls, the office, rl, michael/jan, due south, california, grey's anatomy, arrested development, supernatural

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