Beach trip, coping mechanisms, Queer as Folk, Whose Line and why I vid versus fic

Jan 16, 2007 14:20

Happy Birthday laurashapiro and ringwrench! I hope you both have wonderful days full of joy, fannish goodies and cake :)

Last Tuesday I celebrated the last 80 degrees day here by going down to Long Beach for the first time. It was really nice, I loved the marina and the downtown area was great. Plus I went swimming even though the water was freezing since I've never gotten the chance to do so in the ocean in January. It was a very Veronica Mars moment. Even with the recent cold front which hasn't been that bad considering I can handle 60's and tolerate 50s. Still loving that I have tons of free time and can do whatever I want with it. Also a book rec, Rainbow Boys by Alex Sanchez. I randomly started reading it in a library in Buffalo after using the internet because it had three cute boys on the cover and I figured I might as well slash them. Turns out I didn't need to (which is easily seen by the title but I didn't notice that) and it was a very good book about three gay teens trying to deal with their lives. I had a lot of fun finding parallels to Queer as Folk as there are a bunch of them. There's Nelson, a combination of Emmett and Michael with the PFLAG mom and crush on his best friend, Kyle. Kyle's a much toned down version of Justin with the coming out issues who has a crush on Jason who is not Brian (sadly) but more like a good version of Chris Hobbes (although his family has some Brian issues). It's a fun read, I really enjoyed it.

New Coping Mechanisms:

Get fully invested in watching the entire Chargers game only to see them lose heartbreakingly Whose Line. (No more football for me)
Feel down or bored or angry (most recently at a Smallville promo that made me want to throw word: Clana) Whose Line.

Replacing Whose Line with The Office or Gilmore Girls works well to. Laughing really does help a lot. I am loving The Office with Michael just being hilarious with his horrible social skills and bad jokes. Best comedy I've seen since Arrested Development and I love the camera work. Supernatural and Grey's Anatomy are still awesome on Thursday nights, I don't really have much to say that hasn't been already said.

On a Queer as Folk note, my personal awards as I go through the episodes in future vid work:

Favorite Scene: 122 Prom scene by a long shot. It's my favorite scene in the history of television because I have never seen anything more romantic or that makes me feel so happy. The cinematography is gorgeous from the ramps in the beginning to the overhead shots to the closeups. I loved how Brian and Justin put the scarf over another, the beautiful lens flares, the genuine smiles on both sides, Justin's spinning, the long kiss and the dancing in the garage. Made of perfection.
Favorite Episode: This is hard but I'd have to say the Pilot. It introduces all the characters so well and makes me like them as well as see the different relationships between them. I love the club scene opening with the narration and cute Michael/Ted/Emmett moments as well as Brian's dancing intro and "Who gives a fuck what they think? They're lucky to have me." The B/J moments are perfect love at first sight and are filled with that beautiful circular kiss (best first kiss EVER), hot sex and touching little moments. The balcony scene with Brian and Michael is amazing in camera work and I love the song and issues that come across and the scene with Lindsey is just too cute. And the end with Brian driving off in his jeep is just awesome.
Favorite Season Season 1 wins easily here because I adore it. My love for Brian, Justin and B/J is at the top of its heights here, the writing is pretty good and I love the storylines. I really enjoyed getting to know more about Brian with his oldness and love issues and Justin's coming out to his family and school issues. Not to mention some of the most romantic B/J scenes around with one of my personal favorites, the Forever Young scene. I love how the Prom scene ties it up in the end and Brian's birthday keeps the first season feeling like a good long arc.
Hottest Brian scene: Now Brian has lots of hot moments not to mention naked ones but there's just something about him in 220 with his "It's your call where you want to be" speech that gets to me. He manages to show who he is while conveying that he loves Justin with his actions and giving him a chance to make up his own mind. I especially love where he lifts up his hands. Or maybe it's just the rolled up sleeves...
Hottest Justin scene: Now I find Justin attractive but he's usually too much like me for me to consider him really hot. But the 120 King of Babylon scene is one of the sexiest scenes that I've ever seen with Justin's amazing dancing. The way he shakes his hips, especially the after undoing his zipper is incredibly hot not to mention his slide down the pole. And I love his smiles and cowboy hat. That scene just leaves me full of lust.
Hottest Emmett scene The scene in 507 where Emmett is in his pink shirt (looking fabulous) being the Queer Guy and at the end of the segment, sits back in his seat and does a little wink and smirk. Guhh...I love it, the way he's so confident and ready to prove that he's sexual to the world.
Hottest kiss: The 219 end kiss is beyond hot not just because how long it lasts and how beautiful the cinematography is but because of the pure need and desperation that's in it. At first, it's beautiful with Brian's hand running down Justin's cheek which gets to me because of how he's trying to show how much he loves him without words. But then the fierce touching and taking off Justin's clothes is the most wanton I've ever seen Brian and the forcing on the floor is made of hotness. Sad end but I love how so much is said between them without words.

More reasons Colin Mochrie is made of awesome: not only are three of his favorite TV shows Buffy, Angel and Firefly (can't get much better than that), his favorites are: The musical episode and "Hush" are my favorite Buffy's. The Angel episode where he turns into a Muppet is fun and all of the Firefly episodes. I would have loved to have been a funny vampire on Buffy. Yay for the musical and all of Firefly, of course :)

So I had this dream last night where I was reading Colin Mochrie's biography and he said that he was in love with Ryan and I was all excited. And then I found a photo book of Whose Line shows and then I saw a Ryan and Colin show that made me really happy. It was a good dream :) Only problem when I woke up, I really wanted them to be together *sigh* This is why I don't do RPS. Well actually usually I'm not interested in the actors but me with my wanting my OTP's to be together forever isn't helpful in this sense. For some reason (again, I blame the dream) Colin and Ryan not being together just depressed me this morning. For once I'd like something real from them and I know the whole confessing their love and all will probably never happen but I *need* something more now. I just wish they'd do a show together which I'd travel to the ends of the earth to see. And what I would really ty, intelligence, likability and consistency, not to mention chemistry. And Whose Line is big, they have plenty of name recognition, I'm sure they'd be able to get great ratings if they weren't up against too many high rating shows. They could even produce it themselves and the "old" argument is bullshit because seriously, no one cares what you look like if you can make people laugh. But yeah, that's just my dream. I will go back to watching Whose Line episodes and being happy at all the love expressed between them in action and words as well as laughter and those long gazes in Greatest Hits. Mmmm yes, much better. I have a vid too that I can't wait to make in this fandom that makes me feel a lot better about where Ryan and Colin are right now.

Oh and I wrote some fic! Whose Line, Ryan/Colin. I've written some other fics at times but have never finished or published any online. It reminded me though why I stick with vids love is to see is the Colin and Ryan show, all improv between them ALL the time. It'd be pure heaven, loads of slash I'm sure and too funny. I really think they are the best at improv in terms of laughabiliand not fic. For one, I'm just not that interested in writing fic as I don't get a lot of ideas and don't find it really enjoyable. It's nice once in awhile though. My biggest problem, especially with fanfic, is that I find it really hard to write the characters. I always feel like the characters when I write them are one dimensional and almost always OOC. I feel I put too much of myself into fics and it doesn't come out as the unique characters. I also find it hard to express what I see in my head and that really, really frustrates me, being a perfectionist. I read so many other amazing fics and I would love to write like them but realistically, it's just not going to happen. And I know practice makes perfect and all that but I'm not all that interested in doing so. I hate taking an idea that I love so much and writing it and then feeling like it's crap and I did what I imagined an injustice. I'd much rather spend my time vidding, trying to be the best vidder I can be and making vids that I enjoy and am proud of and can parse reasonably well how good they are and ways to get better. I'm much more of an idea person anyways, I like making connections and drawing parallels and juxtapositions in the text instead of making up new things. Which I do enjoy but usually more in a imagination sense, another reason why I enjoy reading fic so much more than writing.

The thing is, I get into a show when I love the source. For all my fandoms, I love the characters and the relationships and the storylines and I want to show why I love it so much. That's why I love vidding so much, to visually show why I love it and usually the specific parts I really enjoy. A lot of times my favorite ideas and vids to watch are explorations of a character through a relationship since that's one of my favorite things about shows. My favorite fics are often the same thing and the more interesting takes on characters and meta on the show are usually where my interest lies. But a key difference in why I read fic is because I want to see something that was never shown on screen and often not possible to show. That's why I most read slash when I read fic, because I see a lot of het onscreen (and in RL) that I don't need to see as much of it unless a pairing really grabs me and leaves me wanting more.

This is why even though I LOVE Brian/Justin from Queer as Folk, I barely read any fic for them because I don't feel a need to. I got so much of what I wanted onscreen, so much romance and love portrayed in so many ways that I don't really need the fic. But because I got so much onscreen, it makes me want to vid it a LOT because there's so much to show especially in terms of the ever interesting Brian Kinney. Contrast that with Whose Line which, because of the nature of the show, gets almost no dramatic storylines at all which I love. So I'm shipping a slash pairing that I see so many of the classic romantic, sexual, friendship signs from, even getting kisses along the way, but yet I never see any classic plots. It leaves me always wanting more, of the ship and of the *real* story of them, the dramatics and angst and romance. Everything. And because it doesn't look like there'll ever be a happy ending (for what I want), my need will never be satisfied which always drives me wanting more fic of any kind. It's a much harder show to vid for that very same reason, so many of the things I wish I could vid happened offscreen so I must make do with what I have and through fic.

In conclusion, Dean yay, vidding! (I swear I'll have a new one out this week),

queer as folk, whose line, brian/justin, the office, rl, fanfic, football, california, buffy the vampire slayer, firefly, books

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