(no subject)

Dec 01, 2006 23:37

So I am having a very good week. Everything just seems to be coming together.

-The sun is shining and its warm outside. And its Decemember! Hee, it never gets old. It was actually really windy on Wednesday which I wouldn't mind if it wasn't freezing. Disappointing California, disappointing. But I'm not afraid to use my winter coat. Luckily it didn't come to snowpants. I suppose I should feel bad for the snow and cold that apparently other parts of the country are experiencing. *thinks about my 18 years of cold winters* Nope, I don't think so. *gloats*
-I finished my big essay! And it didn't suck. My perfectionist side is happy and I'm glad and relieved its done. Now I just have to get through the next two weeks of finals and papers but I think I can do it. And in one of my classes I can even make a vid for my final project :) And in another essay I can do poetry so it's looking up on the academic front.
-Christmas is coming! I love the cheerfulness of the holiday season. I can't wait to see my cats again not to mention my friends and parents. And get them to buy me things. I actually bought a cheap printer/copier/scanner and relented in finally getting a cell phone as presents for myself on Black Friday. And speaking of presents, charmax made me some vidding icons that I love madly. Vidding icons, yay!
-Speaking of vidding, I can't wait to be able to vid! It's killing me to not have the time. My space is running out on my hard drive as I have *counts them* 4 fandoms heavily represented on there (mostly in DVD format, whole episodes). And I want to squeeze in another one. Is it Decemember 17th yet?
-I'm still behind on a few shows but I'm nearing the end of BSG S2 (Lay Down Your Burdens Pt1) and I am still loving the show. I can't wait to have time to watch more shows. My current schedule of shows I want to watch completely by the end of January (after BSG):

1) Due South (I'm on the 1x12, I think)
2) Stargate Atlantis (I'm on 1x15ish)
3) The OC (2x16ish), Lost (2x06ish, watching mostly because of Nathan/obsessed friend), Wonderfalls (1x03ish) *I have no idea what order I'm watching these in but I want to get them caught up/finished
4) Farscape (I want to understand those vids!)
5) Hopefully I'll have sometime to rewatch some BtVS, AtS and SPN episodes

If you don't know by now, I have a high tolerance for TV shows. If you doubt me, I watched Laguna Beach and didn't completely hate it (which in my defense, I only watched for the pretty California shots). This holds true for a lot of things including music, books/fanfic and movies but except for music, I am decidingly more picky with the latter two these days. This is really helpful in that I'm also slightly spoiler phobic. I find it enhances my viewing experience when I don't have any advance idea of what happens except for a preview or two. Which is not helpful for vid watching as I don't like being visually spoiled much either. Which is why I plan to watch a lot of shows and why having a lot of vids in a fandom motivates me to want to watch the show. I like to actually understand what's going on in the vids.

This leads me to the always helpful posts where vidders post commentary on awesome vids making me really, really happy. Go watch, read and feedback!

stargate atlantis, college, vidding, tv, rl, farscape, due south, wonderfalls, california, the oc, vid rec, lost

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