Thursday TV, Miscellaneous thoughts

Oct 02, 2006 19:57

First of all, Happy (belated) Birthdays to f1renze, jackiekjono, snoopypez, seanmegansean and trustingno1! I hope you all had a great day and have a wonderful year.

Thursdays are quickly becoming my favorite day ever with all the great TV on. So here are some of my reactions to the shows I've seen:

I am so glad to have Grey's Anatomy back. Watching this episode made me realize how much I missed it. The time theme was great, it summed up the whole episode and made the fact that the episode was a bit slow make sense. The "dark and twisty" part was funny, I love when all the interns get together and can make fun of the situation. I love flashbacks, so this episode was golden for me. It was great seeing the interns when they first arrived at the hospital, Izzie was all cute with her optimistic attitude. Great contrast with the present. One of my favorite scenes was the funny conversations between Cristina and Meredith; Meredith is still only likeable for me when she's with Cristina. "Oh what did you do?" was said so perfectly by SO and I love her making fun of Derek with the "What does this mean?" and then asking it herself. And then I liked the carousel flashback not only because of the Angel connection and it shedding a bit of light onto Meredith, but it provides good material for vidding. I loved how all the interns talked to Izzie separately and that in the end, she finally stood up. The flashback with Addison and Derek hurt me the most though, it was heartbreaking to see Addison and the way Derek treated her. I don't care what she did, that was just cruel. If only they had shown the events leading up to it to show her side of the story as well as the added bonus of Mark. Oh and then the Cristina/Burke flashback was awesome! Cristina being all fangirly to Burke was too cute and "study under you"? Hee. Also loved Callie's high school speech with the interns being "socially retarded". Too funny and true at times. The only good part about Derek and George was them scrounging for food in the interns lockers. Cristina coming to Burke was absolutely beautiful, they make me so happy. It was good to see how far Cristina has come from their first meeting, how much she cares for him and allows herself to feel. Cristina again was the best part of the episode for me.

This episode was more like the usual Grey's Anatomy that I know and love. Hilarious all around, character and relationship progression and of course the big surprise at the end. I watched it last week but my love for the episode remains strong (minus the parts that I don't care much about). Cristina stripping and Burke's parents walking in was awesomely embarrassing. "Is this a new service the hospital is providing?" *cracks up* And more funny with "We saved the guys life!" "Whatever. I want my 20 bucks back". I love Cristina so much, she's the best. And more Cristina and Meredith friendship banter is always fun, reminds me of Make Me Lose Control with them running together and making fun of each other. And then there was Peter Paige! How much did I love him and his refreshingly honest and hilarious comments. Along with being gay, thank you my diverse, accepting show. Cristina getting in trouble for calling Bailey a Nazi by Burke's mother was hilarious, I love seeing her squirm especially with her warpath comment. And then so much love for the Burke and Cristina scene, it was funny and too cute to see Burke's dad understanding what was going on. Loved so much Cristina and Burke's "momma"'s lunch scene with Cristina's top of the Stanford class declaration and then Burke's awkward entrance. The selfish thing is bit true but Cristina's working on it so I basically see this as a wake up call for her. Love, love, love Cristina's conversation with Meredith with the racist/sexist comments (so true, Cristina) and them being all self-absorbed.

Then there was poor drunk Addison :( Loved her "Please don't call me Mrs. Shepard" and "Did you know about the slutty sex your slutty friend had with my super slutty husband?" lines, too funny. Then back to Cristina again (what can I say, she rocks), loved her "whatever" to Meredith's problems and protestations about being selfish. It was sad to see Addison being insecure in her attractiveness, this whole episode (unspoiled as I was) I kept saying, you should go back to Mark, he thinks you're desirable. But back to Meredith and Cristina, loved the heads=brain surgeon, tails=vets with Cristina's comment about Peter Paige being "sick and brain damaged". It really kind of described Meredith to me when it comes to the whole relationship situation, in a funny way. The only thing about the Alex storyline that worked for me was the double meaning of "not getting physical with patients". Ha. Loved the Callie dancing and talk about embarrassing moments with the Chief seeing you. The Cristina and Burke scene at the end was too cute, loved the "Preston" mention and the solidarity of Burke's father. So, so glad Bailey came to see Izzie as well. It's time to get past the Denny death although I'm biased as I don't care much about him (although I certainly do for Paper Winchester! see below).

All I have to say about the hotel scene is: OMG MCSTEAMY'S BACK!!! I seriously screamed and freaked out when I saw him, I had no idea he'd show up. Although you'd think otherwise when Derek said "You deserve better" Me: "Yes she does, she needs Mark". And then my wishes came true *happy sigh* DAMN was he hot with the half naked, barely hanging on towel and the perfect body...*drools* I'll take some nice eye candy with built in lust anyday, thank you very much. I can't believe I now have 20 more episodes with him along with lots and lots of Mark/Addison scenes. All my shipper dreams have come true (I've been rooting for these two since 219) so I am really, really looking forward to seeing next episode. So much so that I think I'm going to have to watch it live even as I said I'd watch Supernatural instead after its glorious premiere which leads me to...

Wow. Just wow. This episode blew me completely away. I'm here for the show because I love the family dynamics and I adore Dean so getting big doses of both in this episode was pure heaven. First I loved the little music montage that SPN is so fond of doing. Also Dean wearing hospital clothing? Unbelievably hot and distracting throughout the episode. I loved the new fire burning credits since that's what the show is famous for. "Sammie, you look good" Sooo Wincest. "Find some hoodo priest and lay some mojo on me" Too funny and I adore how Sam says it too. They know each other too well. Poor Metallicar, I'm so glad that Sam won't give up on it, just like Dean *loves them* Dean's speech to John just broke me, he said everything he really felt and it hurt so much. "I've given everything I ever had" *cries* Poor Dean in all his woobiness. And then Sam comes in and it gets even better. I love the arguing, how real the emotions and background is along with Dean taking his usual position between them and breaking it up with his hilarious "Dude, I full on swayzed that mother." Hee. And then the Ouji board was hilarious! The "slumber party" was so perfect, I immediately thought, "Slash slumber party! Totally escapadecon" They're too cute together. I mean, "Thanks for not giving up on me, Sammy" Awww. Then Sam's speech to Dean broke my heart, "We were just starting to be brothers again" *hurts* Dean learning he might become the very thing he hunts was a nice touch.

I'm so, so glad that Dean was okay. Although it sucks that he can't remember anything. Then there was John, oh John. "Can we not fight" and his subsequent speech was so beautiful, it sums up John and makes me cry knowing what's to come. Hearing John talk about the past, about Dean comforting him was more than I could ask for (my love for little Dean in Something Wicked knows no bounds) and to hear John admit that to Dean, that he put too much on him and was proud of him, totally destroyed me *sniffs* That's all Dean ever wanted, it was sad to see him doubt if he was even himself. It redeems John for me, not that I ever disliked him before ( I don't really understand the people who do) but I understand why he did what he did and I'm grateful he told Dean, he finally said and did it ALL for Dean. He made the ultimate sacrifice and went out in the greatest way possible. And now I still am very frustrated at the writers for not letting me hear what he said to Dean but I really hope it doesn't take too long to reveal it. The coffee dropping was perfect, showed my visual mood at the time with the shocking, heartbreaking ending. The looks on Sam and Dean's face...nooo I still don't want him to be dead. I'm going to miss the family dynamics of all three of them, as much as I love Sam and Dean, a lot of my favorite moments came when they all were together. At least the memory of him will remain with them and play a strong role in their interactions. I still can't believe they actually killed him in the premiere, I thought they'd at least wait til the finale. It was however, the best possible way for him to die and rip the hearts out of millions of viewers, including me.

All I can say is I'm thankful to have such an awesome Flist with all the great thoughts on both shows. From commiserating in Supernatural love to having good discussions about Addison, it's been fun to read and participate in. I also checked out a few episodes of The Office since it seemed like Arrested Development and I do like it. Michael is too funny, he's my favorite so far. Busy watching BSG as well, I can't believe the S3 premiere is this Friday! It's so much nicer talking about shows when they air. In other fannish news, I am so happy to get my Whose Line DVD, the day it came out. The gag reels and extra scenes were awesome and hilarious and made me adore Ryan even more. I am so thankful that I have a cash flow coming in with my new job which thankfully allows for lots of homework and surfing the computer on the side, allowing me to be able to pay for stuff and no longer feel completely like a poor college student.

In case anyone's interested, I updated my memories to list all the vid meta I could find, listed in categories to hopefully make them easier to find. I figured since I spend so much time going through all the meta, might as well make it easier to find. I also started putting some categories for vid recs but that's far from finished so many of the fandoms are not well represented with good vids. Thank you to everyone who has vid meta links in their memories along with permetaform for her Big List of Meta page, which all helped a lot. On a vid meta note, I have lots of ideas for what I want to write up...just no time right now. Sometime in the future, that's for sure.

I'm still in love with California, the warm weather glow hasn't worn off yet and each day I'm grateful for being in a place that makes me happy. I don't even mind it being cold or waking up early in the morning now because I know that it won't last long, I have warmth every day and can choose to sleep in til 11 whenever I want. It's all about choice and I love the freedom that I have here. A few weekends ago, I went to Huntington Beach at night and it was one of the most amazing experiences ever. Totally worth all the biking/busing/walking I did to get there. I love the ocean the most at night and one of my favorite things about it is that it's free, its open to the world. I wasn't even at the main beach and I could just walk in the sand and waves and feel at peace with the world. I was alone which was nice as I could freely relax and enjoy myself. I can't put into words what made me so happy about it, I'm just a nature person so it connected with me. But that's not to say I don't like cities too. I went into LA yesterday as I haven't been able to really explore the city since I've been here. I liked it, lots of things to do and see. Next time, I will definitely bring my bike on the Metrolink (which was surprisingly, quite nice) which will make it easier to get around. Next weekend: Disneyland! I can't wait.

mark/addison, california, cristina/burke, grey's anatomy, vid meta, supernatural

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