Sports and Shows

Sep 13, 2004 23:18

Today was my lucky day as two of my favorite sports players/teams won and did well. The lovely man in my icon, Roger Federer pulled off a wonderful win over Hewitt in the U.S Open, 6-0, 7-6, 6-0. The first set was a true work of beauty as he was playing at the top of his game leaving me to drool at all the gorgeous shots. The second set was a little disappointing with the unforced errors and missed first serves but there were some great points played there and he did get out of trouble by acing a lot, following his and my idol, Pete Sampras's precedent. And the third set was the icing on the cake, in a delicious end. I just love how he transcends the boring power games of the other players (minus Henmen, who's style I do like) and plays the real art of tennis. Some words to describe his style of play, some mentioned by the announcers: beautiful, elegant, smooth, graceful, makes it look easy, silky, amazing and the list goes on and on. Roger is definitely the true champion of tennis. Not only him, but the Philly Eagles won in football :D My homeboy Donovan was excellent in his game and Terrell Owens was a great receiver for him. They better win the Superbowl this year, I don't know if I can take another disappointment.

Onto my show scedule for this year:

8:30 Arrested Development-such a uniquely funny show
9:00 Jack and Bobby-Just saw it today and I looved it. Bobby is my favorite character, he is just too cute. I love how he's so special and not afraid to stick up for himself and ask the right questions. He even helps the female lead be better than the boring het ship female I thought she was going to be. Her helping him get the Space Club signatures was just the nicest move ever. Jack is cool, hopefully they're make his character more interesting soon. And the scene where the mom unknowingly disses the president of the university she's walking with and then finds out was so funny. I can't wait to see more of him, he sounds cool. Really looking forward to more of this show.
10:00 Boston Legal-James Spader is definitely enough to make me watch this. He is just too sexy and the voice is so cool. I love my bad boys and he is one of the best at it. Those intense gazes (he is SUCH a sexual variant) totally melt me. And the fact that William Shatner is there too only makes it better.

9:00 Everwood-Can't wait for my show tomorrow! Since they're having my least favorite ship, Ephram/Amy as well as my tied favorite ship, Andy/Harold both feautured this season, they both cancel themselves out so I can deal with the bad. But although i don't like Ephram's new haircut, I can't wait to see him again along with the very cute Bright. I'm hoping the writing will be good as this is Berlanti, the same who just wrote a great episode of my new show, Jack and Bobby. Love that man.

8:00-Gilmore Girls-Watching some reruns got me more into this show as I can't wait to see what happens with Luke and Lorelai. May check out Average Joe in this timeslot too and see if thats any good.
9:00-One Tree Hill (taped)/Father of the Pride-Last years OTH final was awesome-until they married Nathan and Hayley together. That was just stupid. I'm hoping they make that couple more interesting this year though, I still do like them. Hoping for more good Lucas/Nathan interaction as well as good character development for Nathan. Most looking forward to Dan though as he's my favorite character, he's definitely grown from the obvious bad guy to a more layered character and I feel for him. Secretly hoping for a future Dan/Karen relationship as well as Mouth/Brooke. Father of the Pride is there mostly for the super cute animals, especially my favorite, the lions. It's kind of funny though so I do want to see the eps.

8:00 Lost(taped)/Smallville- Well, duh. Looking forward to many things this season. Very happy about the change in Lana this season and I can't wait to see the change it'll bring in her interactions with Lex/Lana, which hopefully will take its beginning romantic steps this season. I'm interested in the Clark/Lois interactions as well, that should be fun. I can't wait to see more Lex and Lionel battles as well. I'm also happy about Martha's increased role and am extremely excited to see some good Lionel/Martha scenes. Just hoping the writers can write quality episodes putting all of these components together. Lost sounds really interesting so I'm looking forward to seeing what happens on it.
9:00 The Mountain(taped)-Doesnt sound that good, the plot sounds unoriginal but I'll check it out as the WB does have some nice dramas. Still...*misses Angel*

8:00 The O.C (taped)/Joey/Survivor-Can't wait to see the super cute and funny Seth on The O.C. Joey is cute and funny and I'll switch between that and Survivor for my entertainment.
9:00 life as we know it-Sounds interesting and dramas with cute boys in it can usually get me lol

8:00 Joan of Arcadia-I soo cannot wait for this show! I'm so happy they're finally doing Luke/Grace as a couple and I can't wait to see one of my favorite ships interact a lot. Hopefully the show will feature more episodes that go deeper into their personalities.

8:00 Angel rerun
9:00 BtVS rerun

Basically the new tv season is one of the best things about fall.

everwood, tv, gilmore girls, jack and bobby, one tree hill, smallville, football, joan of arcadia, the oc, tennis, arrested development, lost, boston legal

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