Home from Vividcon

Aug 15, 2006 01:37

I'm back home from Vividcon, got home this morning. Tired as I didn't get much sleep on the way back (watched BSG though) but I did take a nap this afternoon that helped. I already miss everyone I met terribly as I had one of the best times of my life at the con. I've been watching a lot of the Premiere vids all day (vid love!) along with downloading and watching Dead Poets Society and Life on Mars as I was totally pimped onto them along with half a million other shows. I want to give a big thank you to everyone I talked to and hung out with for being so kind and cool and fun that I didn't want to leave because I was having such a great time with all of you. It was nice to be able to talk to most everyone I wanted to meet as well as others I didn't know. The vid squee during the entire con was just wonderful to experience and it was great to feel that I belonged with all these amazing people. And the vids all completely impressed me and if possible, made me love vids and vidding even more. I'm just so glad that I went to the con as it was worth every penny, every bad thing that happened there (not that there were many) was far surpassed by all the awesome things. The memory of this con is something I'll always cherish and think of to brighten up my day and I look forward to going to all the future Vividcons as well. I have already decided that I'm going on Thursday and leaving Monday next year because I want to spend a lot more time with everyone.

I'll write up a con report tomorrow but just talking about it with a friend made me remember it all even more. I miss everyone so much! Leaving that hotel room felt like torture but I'm touched by all the warm goodbyes. I'm reeeally looking forward to next year and wish it would hurry up and get here already. My heart just bursts with VIVIDCON love *happy sigh*

vidding, vividcon

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