Spring Break

Apr 09, 2006 20:18

So its finally Spring Break and boy do I need it. I plan on spending it by watching lots of TV shows (mostly Due South and Buffy), reading, vidding and of course, sleeping. I may even try my hand at a bit of writing, not sure.

I'm trying to see if I can finish most of the episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer this week as I've only seen random episodes and vids for the show and figured I need to get the whole experience. Compared to Firefly, I do struuggle a bit with really identifying and loving the characters but I do relate to Willow somewhat and like all the characters, especially Giles and later I love Spike. I will say though, that Angel looks sooo much younger in the first season and that it makes him so much hotter. He's so pretty and has the whole mysterious thing going for him. Speaking of pretty, Fraser has reached the top of that scale for me. I'm on the sixth episode now and I keep repeating how beautiful he is. In that pure, utterly gorgeous and angelic type way. Definitely one of my favorite characters of all time as I can't help falling for his good character and honor and cuteness. And I love all his different environment pain and naivity to the ways of Chicago. Fraser and Vecchio are just too cute together, really funny and although I'm more behind them in a friendship with a light side of slash way, they definitely have their moments. I'm looking forward to the Fraser/RayK episodes though, after falling in love with them by seeing Burning Down the House and Eclipse and am now restraining myself to stay in order. And it is here where I have to rec one of my favorite videos from heres_luck, "Out here" which shows Fraser's pain so well but also has an amazing sequence with so many emotional stages and final victory. It's blows me away everytime. Also another rec for a story for Fraser/RayK would be one of my favorites, Heavy Bag by katallison that gets to me everytime I read it. And while your there, End of the Road is one of the most amazing stories I've ever read.

Speaking of fic recs, I just read one of my favorite fics ever that's gotten me back into Duncan/Methos and fic reading. Check out Straight and Low by lastrega. Found it randomly and got hooked with its funniness and it being incredibly HOT. Some fics just hit my kinks *perfectly*. Walls and seducing always get to me and this one did not disappoint. So now I'm back into DM/M and planning on seriously working on my video that I planned for them last fall. It'll be much better now since I can use my dvds to vid. And I have another vid idea for them which I think could turn out well. Duncan/Methos vid ideas don't come to me very often but when they do, they hit hard. It feels like the song is made for the ship and the voice just calls to me that its completely them. Really want to vid them now, overtaking the two vids that I actually wanted to work on this break. But I don't mind, I just need to vid and stop doing nothing. It's been too long since I seriously undertook it. This couple is actually the one that I'm going to try to write for. We'll see what happens there.

On another note, I got into Chapman University with good financial aid and a nice scholarship and I think I might be going there. Having a great film school right there is extremely tempting...

ETA: I am reeeally excited for VividCon. I can't believe I'm going and that I'll have a chance to be around tons of vid meta, new videos and amazing vidders. Sounds like heaven to me.

college, duncan/methos, vidding, fic rec, fandom, due south, buffy the vampire slayer, highlander, vid rec, firefly

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