Vidding Thoughts

Mar 02, 2006 03:20

So after the Great Vidding Truth Meme (leave an anonymous comment on my vids there if you like), the Video commentary meme was restored and to my great pleasure, a bunch of great vidders offered to do commentary on recent videos they've made. The links for reference:


At least those are the ones I've seen. It's just so interesting to see why vidders made the choices they made in making different videos and the processes they took to get the final product. It helps me a lot in knowing what to look for in creating my own vid regarding clip choices and narrative, movement, tech effects and other vid related things. I've become increasingly aware of motions in vids now and I keep spotting all these things in vids I'm watching that I've never seen before. It's really cool and definitely something I want to work on. I first remember seeing it movement easily in sockkpuppett's vid, "Prophecy" when Wesley walks around and turns right into Angel in a completely different clip and I've been able to see that previously (this was awhile back). But now I see different character all turning their heads a certain way or moving in the same direction and other cool things like that.

In that vein, I'm going to recommend a few videos I'm really enjoying right now where I'm seeing all kinds of movement. First some "old" videos, with a rec for imation's vid Black Suits Comin' which uses Angel source. It's a really fun video and the shot of LA with all the movement and cutting, sucks me in every time. Not to mention the intercut fighting scenes that flow into each other, explosions and people bursting out of doors and windows on the big beat (terminology?). Another Buffy video I'm loving is dualbunny's Volcano Girls (at the bottom of the page) which is a Buffy vid which sucks you in with the action and the fun with intercutting, flowing movement and actions on the beats. Plus, dancing + fight=love for me so I enjoy it immensely along with my music love of it. Also, if you want to check out a Smallville fun video that makes fun of Clark's confused nature, go here and see sisabet's new vid. It makes me put aside my Clark dislike and enjoy the crazy situations he gets himself into.

I have an idea for a Grey's Anatomy vid, which I've said before that I am planning on doing. I do have a problem with actually starting things and getting them done, not just for vidding but with everything, in large part because of my perfectionist nature. So I have all this knowledge of what makes a good video and I want to put it into practice and when I find a song and idea that I'd like to get use, I get stuck. I have all this video and scenes of the characters and I get overwhelmed with it and the task of finding all the clips I can use. I don't have the best visual memory besides knowing where things were from once I see something, so pulling things out of thin air is hard for me. For my current vid, during my marathon of season 2, I wrote down all the times, there was interactions between the four characters I'm focusing on but even going backing and rewatching those scenes seems a lot of work for me. And I'm afraid I'll forget what I've seen once I go back. It's just so hard to gather all the clips that are possible for me to use and then arrange them so I can see what I have in a well organzied way and to do that takes me a lot of time. I'll get through it as I have in the past, mostly by either rewatching the source a ton which is a lot easier when you don't have a lot of clips or by taking a long time to organize clips but I still wish there was an easier way.

Another thing is that Adobe Premiere is frustrating me with my slow computer (256 RAM is not helpful) and I'm thinking about just waiting til I get my new laptop to vid. I'm ordering it March 8th so I should get it around the 12th or so. Once I get that, I can also free up some space by using its DVD burning capacities to save room on my hard drive. And I can use my dvd's to make vids :) Which doesn't help me for the current vid but very much so for future ones. Also I have a long list of shows I want to see, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Stargate Atlantis, Battlestar Gattlactica, Farscape, Wonderfalls, etc that I'll finally be able to see so I'm excited for that. But until that time, it's kind of hard to get excited to vid when I know I'll be waiting for the program to slowly load and then wait for it every few minutes as I get a scare that its not responding. And then there's a matter of time and energy to vid when school and the weather are sucking the life out of me. Ah well, its still fun in the end and I probably should stop making excuses and just do it.

So my vid idea then. I think I'm going to cut the song down since even though I love a few lines of the second verse and have an idea I could use for it, it doesn't contribute anything special and it'd probably just use up clips. I'll have to learn about how to audio edit more but I don't think it should be too hard. What I have for the song is basically an idea that I want to structure the video around both narrative and visually. I'm a bit worried about the lyrics in that it's hard to show them really, in relation to my previous problem, they don't inspire any specific clip choices. It does allow me to do my own thing though, but takes more time to go back and find a way to structure the vid which is what I need to do now. I have a really simple structure divided into a couple sections but I need more. What I'd really like to work on in this video is movement though although admittedly the source doesn't have a lot of cool external things, I do want to use the internal movement and well as close up/mid range/far shots. I'm always trying to find a way to come up with an insight or intelligent thing to help me come up with clip choices but that takes lots of rewatching. Probably won't have time tomorrow but hopefully this weekend. I just don't want to make it too simple as the basic idea of it so far isn't too hard to understand and basically just follows the story. And now I feel like I'm back in english class trying to come up with an interesting claim and good examples that aren't just plot summary. Sometimes it just feels like I have so much to learn how to do, so much distance to cover to be a *good* vidder and yet I'm afraid I just can't meet my own high expectations on it. Might contribute to my lack of productivity.

I got 5 free iTunes songs by taking a college survey :) Only problem is, I'm not sure what to use them for since I usually get my music free anyway. So I'll have to try to find something that makes it worth it. Any suggestions?

vidding, vid rec, grey's anatomy

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