New vid: Counting Stars (Game of Thrones)

Nov 29, 2013 14:22

Title: Counting Stars
Music: "Counting Stars" by OneRepublic
Fandom: Game of Thrones S1-3
Focus: Jaime Lannister
Summary: Everything that kills me makes me feel alive.
Content Notes: Graphic violence.
Notes: Thanks to hollywoodgrrl for the excellent beta feedback!
Download Link: Counting Stars (64 MB AVI)

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So I first heard this song last April and fell in love with it and at some point, it struck me as the perfect song for Jaime. While reading the books a year and a half ago, I fell in love with him and after the last season, my Jaime feels have gone to ridiculous levels so I knew I had to vid this song to get them out. What I love about the song was that it allowed me to show Jaime's idealism and belief in honor and love (my favorite parts of his character) while also showing the more cynical parts of his life and how he's been changed through the horrible things he's experienced and seen. Unfortunately I don't have the early footage of Jaime I need to make some of his story obvious but I tried my best to show that which hopefully comes through at least to people who know his background. I vidded most of this after Vividcon and it was so much fun to vid something I love so much including my two OTPs, Jaime/Cersei and Jaime/Brienne. I had hoped to post it before I left for Europe but procrastinated a bit too much and then didn't get enough vidding done while I was there. But I'm really happy with it now and am happy I finally got a chance to make a vid for one of my favorite characters who I identify with a LOT.

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