Festivids is FULL OF SECRETS

Feb 02, 2013 07:02

So today is Festivids Reveals Day! I can FINALLY STOP LYING and tell everyone the vids I made. This year I made the following vids:

Curiosity: Boy Meets World, Topanga, Topanga/Cory for elipie (new longer version now available)
Give Me Everything: Parks and Recreation, Leslie and Lady Friends for laurashapiro.
Beautiful in Los Angeles: The LA Complex, Kaldrick for jarrow

Yeah, I watched 7 seasons of Boy Meets World for elipie and had to keep it secret for months! It was haaaard. I have a NEW version of my Boy Meets World vid, Curiosity up at the link that actually features all seven seasons of Topanga and not just the first threee seasons that were in the GoLive version. Both versions are available for download at the link. Turns out it is hard to keep secrets from someone you vid with and I didn't tell anyone but my roommates in order to make sure no one else had to keep a secret as well.

I also had a lot of fun (tech problems aside) making my Women of Parks and Recreation vid featuring my favorite character of all time (recently crowned), Leslie Knope. It basically gave me a chance to vid ALL THE WOMEN on the show and show how much I love the way Leslie loves her lady friends. It was hard to keep from making the five other Leslie Knope vids I wanted to make showcasing different parts of her personality though (Leslie/Waffles OTP!). The vid is totally my happy place, watching so many things I love about the show. I was very overwhelmed and happy by the reaction to this vid, thank you to everyone for the comments and recs!

In the last two weeks before GoLive, I made an LA Complex vid which I was sure everyone would guess because it's called BEAUTIFUL IN LOS ANGELES and features things very relevant to my interests. But only par_avion got it in chat so at least I wasn't completely obvious. Vidding those LA shots were SO much fun!

A big huge thanks to alba17 who made my Homeland vid, Breathing Underwater!!

This Festivids was probably my favorite in terms of vidding and hanging out with RL vid friends, making vids I love for people I care about and sources I love, hanging out in vid chat through deadlines and golive/reveals, getting a great vid for a source I love and the positive reaction I received for my vids. Festivids is just such an amazing idea and event and I am SO thankful for everyone involved. Highlight of the year!

This entry was originally posted at http://anoel.dreamwidth.org/140542.html. Comment count:
Comment wherever you want.

boy meets world, vidding, parks & recreation, festivids, the la complex

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