I just want Regina to be happy...

Oct 03, 2012 11:24

TV is back!! And it is already an awesome, awesome thing. I am having too much fun on Tumblr (anoel43) reblogging my favorite shows. Here is my TV schedule so far with a couple new shows on there I still have yet to try out. So far my favorite new shows are The Mindy Project (SO MUCH LOVE), The New Normal and Last Resort.

Fall TV Schedule

8: How I Met Your Mother
8:30 Partners
9: New Girl
9: Happy Endings
9:30: The New Normal
9:30: Don't Trust the B
9:30: The Mindy Project
8: Arrow???
9: Modern Family
10: Nashville?
8: Last Resort
8: The Big Bang Theory
8: 30 Rock
9: Glee
9: The Office
9:30 Parks & Recreation
1ish: Downton Abbey
9: Homeland
9: Revenge

Obviously I love my comedies :) I'm super excited for The Mindy Project because I've loooved Mindy Kaling for a long time ever since I fell in love with the episode, The Dundies on The Office. And then I met her at a con and she was super nice to me, then I met her again at a WGA rally and she hugged me/remembered me and then I met her at my book signing and she remembered me again :) I loved her book, I think she's hilarious and I thought the show was super funny and it's so nice having a show with fun pop culture references that I love and centered around romance. I also love The New Normal mostly for David/Bryan, I looove seeing a gay couple on my screen each week that kiss a lot and Bryan cracks me up. I like the mom and Shania too but the other characters dont work for me much so I'm hoping for better. Partners is not as funny but I looove Michael Urie and having another main gay couple on my screen each week so I'm enjoying it.

Loving Parks and Recreation a lot too, LESLIE's back!! I'm really loving her character development so far. And of course I'm love Glee since they fixed the finale and it's so nice to have my favorite characters back. I do miss the ones that we don't see much (Santana!) but I love Jake (omg so cute) and Marley and most especially UNIQUE who helps make the episode for me now that I'm not getting as much Kurt/Blaine. Loving Kurt's plotline though, it's so great to see him happy and growing. I also finished Teen Wolf and LOVED it. Especially the second season. I pretty much slash all the guys but my favorites at the moment is Derek/Stiles (of course), Jackson/Scott, Derek/Jackson, Derek/Scott and Peter with any of the guys. Even Lydia's dad is slashy with the guys, I mean, come on. The girls sadly don't really do it for me but I enjoyed Allison's plotline in S2 and I have hopes Lydia will be back to her awesome self next season. My favorite is still Kate because I do love my badass (somewhat evil...) women. I specifically did Teen Wolf before Once Upon a Time because I knew OUAT has plenty of awesome women...

Which is one of the many reasons I LOVE Once Upon a Time. It's so cool to see so many great, active and non-love interest women in the spotlight, sometimes I still can't believe it. I watched the Pilot ages ago and I loved Regina a lot (SURPRISE) but because I haaaaated Cameron on House, it was really hard for me to get past my Jennifer Morrison issues. Yeeeeeah that's (mostly) gone now. After watching
flummery's amazing Once Upon a Time vid at Vividcon, I knew I had to watch the show and I quickly fell in love with it. By the time Emma was cutting down apple trees, I loved her and by the time Regina was being sexy making comments like "Enjoy the shirt because it's the last thing you'll get" (OMG), I was shipping Regina/Emma (SWAN QUEEN)!!

It's funny because the other day I was making a list of my OTPs and I realized I had almost no femslash couples. Which makes me sad because it's not intentional or anything, I just haven't found any that I'm obsessive about. After thinking about it, I realized it's hard for me because I find it hard to ship two women who are friends in a BFF, happy together, sweet way because I don't find it sexy and it seems too close to just an actual friendship to me. To add to that, I tend to love women who are more...I hate using these kind of words but masculine, more badass, kickass women who aren't into talking all about their feelings and who are damaged, conflicted and have issues. That's what I find sexy and interesting and sadly in this TV/movie landscape it's hard to find ONE women like that, it's even harder to find TWO women like that in the same fandom and it's really hard to find two women who have an actual layered relationship with a dynamic with enough similarities and differences to make things interesting (that I connect to). So I feel so incredibly lucky to find Regina and Emma that meet all that criteria for me and that have BLAZING sexual chemistry (omg too hot) and that have FIGHTS AGAINST WALLS (bulletproof kink that hit me so much during Teen Wolf) and yet genuinely care about each other even if a lot of it is started by Henry. What I love about Regina and Emma together is it makes PERFECT sense within the context of the show, by getting together, Henry has two moms who don't have to fight over him, it forgives Snow White because although she took her away Regina's chance at love, she then gave her TRUE LOVE back so they can all be a happy family (with a little bitterness because fun) and they can all live happy ever after. At least that's the way I see it.

I'm still in shock over all the amazing femslash stuff we got in the first season. Besides the fact that they CONSTANTLY eyefuck (trust me I've clipped everything, I see it all the time), smile sexily and raise their eyebrows and then there's Emma SAVING Regina from the fire and then in this latest episode saving her TWICE omg so amazing. Then there was that time in the Henry goes in the mines episode where Regina leans in super close to Emma and it looks like she's about to KISS her!!! And I mean, Emma touching Regina caused her MAGIC TO COME BACK! I mean, how obvious can it get? And then there's Regina whose just my FAVORITE and I think she's insanely sexy and I love how she's HBIC and yet I love the vulnerability in her. I understand how she is the way she is when her whole life she was abused by her mother and then lost Daniel to her mom and Snow and THEN was forced to live with them and a husband who didn't love her for years being constantly compared to their mom. Yeeeeah, that can drive someone to do some crazy things. I'm dying for her redemption plot and I will never stop believing it'll happen in the end. But I also love that Emma has had a hard past without any family, stuck in foster homes so that she's vulnerable as well and has a hard time staying in one place and having real relationships. I love that similarity between them and how they're both not one to talk about their feelings but they both soften through the presence of Henry bringing them together. It's so cute!

Sometimes the show is a little weird for me in that I really like it except I'm bored a little by some of the non-Regina and Emma stuff. The fairytales were a bit hit or miss for me but I did love Rumpelstiltskin stuff (Bae and Belle were great! hope he finds redemption too) and the times when Snow was more kickass. I loved the Jefferson episode, it was SO refreshing to see Emma fight back and try to save Snow and THEN hit Jefferson and then Snow did as well! So freaking nice because that episode freaked me out a bit. But I do love Sebastian Stan (even when he's sadly not kissing boys). I love all the Evil Queen bits of course (she's not evil though!!!) and all the times when I get beautiful vid material in the form of magic and cool settings. Not much of a Charming/Snow fan but if it gives them a het pairing to focus on so I can get my Swan Queen, I don't much care. I'm reserving judgement on Mulan and Aurora...could be a possible ship there and I do like Mulan so far but we'll see.

I loooved that Emma saved Regina from going back into that land but at the same time I'm really worried about her being separated from Regina for too long. An episode or two I can handle but anymore than that (or god help me half/whole season fuuuuu) and I don't know if I'll survive. I don't want to stop liking this show! Just don't push me. The good thing about Snow going to is it makes it less likely for a lengthy separation because I can't imagine they'd keep her and Charming apart for a long time...At least Regina has her magic back! I was sooo scared that wouldn't happen even though I've seen a promo where did so I couldn't imagine it. But it was sooo hot when she finally hit Charming against the wall (hot) and THEN her total change of expression when Henry came in was adorable. But yeeeeah Regina with magic is so hot it'll help sustain me but I'm not looking forward to being bummed every Sunday if they don't interact. Swan Queen Nation will keep me going for only so long...that being said, I'm loving the fic for Regina/Emma!! So much good stuff although I want more AUs. Like I said in my subject line, my deepest desire is for Regina to be happy and so I love when I read fics and they end up happily together, it's just too cute. Not to mention, I love all the banter between them! OMG I just ship Swan Queen so hard, I can't even deal with it.

Regina/Emma fic recs!

Halfway Through The Wood by fictorium: This is my favorite fic so far, it's an AU based on the TV show Awake where Emma "died" in one world and Henry "died" in another word. It just gets to me emotionally and it pushes all my Swan Queen buttons.
somewhere, someone must know the ending by maleficently: OMG this fic!! AU where there is no curse, just Storybrooke and Regina and Emma were in a serious relationship and then broke up and now Henry wants them back together so he *imagines* the curse. It's a WIP but it's SO GOOD and I constantly get super excited when it's updated which is fairly often.
A Queen Without Power by
buffied: Picks up after the S1 finale and has an AMAZING slow burn that just killed me completely with love. It's a WIP but still is being regularly updated, so worth it.
Thicker Than Oceans by adventurepants: Super, super cute Regina/Emma in a relationship fic with my favorite Snow yet. Love it!
Paint It Black by wily_one24: OMG this fic. This is Evil Queen/Emma and it is put as "Exteme dub-con" which should not be taken lightly. That being said, I looooved it and it's really hot and fucked up (which makes it hot) and it's very, very long and fun. Definitely an interesting take on their relationship.

I have many more fic recs but for now that's fine. I haven't devoured fic this much in a long time so it's fun. I'm also making a Swan Queen vid right now which is so much fun. It keeps taking a long time to finish but that's vidding for you. It definitely different from my normal style but in a good way and I'm learning a lot. I realized the other day I haven't had a TV OTP in a LONG time, Kurt/Blaine (less so) and House/Wilson were the last so this is very exciting...and scary considering how weird it is to get things week to week. But thankfully on Sundays I also have another amazing show to watch...Homeland! SO happy with the Emmy wins, soooo well deserved and I was so happy to see Mad Men finally beat. I love the show but S5 did not deserve Best Drama at all and if it couldn't be Breaking Bad, Homeland is my next choice.

OMG Carrie!!! I knew there had to be some way to get Carrie back to the CIA but I was just glad it was sooner rather than later. THE SMILE!!! So happy to see her living in the dangerous life again. I love that about her, that she loves danger. I love the moment in The Weekend (BEST EP EVER) when she tells the story about her playing chicken. God that whole episode was amazing with so many ups and downs. I started shipping Carrie/Brody together before they met (in a-that'd be hot kind of way) and then the show surprised me by having them meet each other and THEN I freaked out when they actually had car sex and then the whole Weekend episode destroyed my soul with happiness and then the sadness of seeing Brody leave. I was so shocked by all the twists from Brody not being a terrorist, to Walker being alive and the actual terrorist to them BOTH being terrorists and then that whole amazing bomb sequence sooo great. I was so conflicted on Brody at first because betrayal of your country is just so horrible to me but after all the Isla stuff I get it and I love him anyway. But gooood him leaving Carrie after she set up the dinner and jazz music for him destroyed me not to mention him turning her into the CIA had me crying so hard for her. But in the end I totally ship them (so many parallels!) and I was super psyched when Jessica mentioned their relationship again in the latest episode.

Speaking of, OMG SHE FOUND OUT HES MUSLIM!!! I died when Dana told her class (OH SHIT for the campaign) and then when Jessica found out and went to the garage and threw the book down and Brody freaked out about it!!! Wow. The show blows my mind sometime. Or most of the time actually.

I'm dying to keep working on my Carrie vid now. Swan Queen vid first then hopefully I can finish it before Festivids. So excited for festivids! I can't wait to see all the vids for small fandoms and I have plenty I'd love to make. If only vidding didn't take so loooong. Or I had more time in the day.

This entry was originally posted at http://anoel.dreamwidth.org/134894.html. Comment count:
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homeland, vidding, parks and recreation, the new normal, once upon a time, the mindy project, teen wolf, swan queen, partners, glee, tv makes everything better, festivids

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