End of an Era

May 21, 2012 23:50

While I'm in the midst of Game of Thrones love, I took some time to watch the series finale of House.

HOUSE AND WILSON DROVE OFF INTO THE SUNSET TOGETHER!!! Literally. Wow. I did not expect that at all. I prepared myself for disappointment with maybe a hug but this is just perfect. In my head, Wilson miraculously recovers and they live happily ever after together (with much kissing and sex of course-what they can't show us). This is the best case scenario I could see for them as a slash couple and they got it. I still can't believe it, I'm so happy right now and all my House/Wilson feelings are coming back. I loved Wilson's funeral speech to House, how he loved him for good and bad and wasn't afraid to say it just like House. I loved House telling him to shut up and how it recalled one of my favorite episodes when House went to his dad's funeral. I loved Stacy (STACY! I missed her) pointing House towards love and towards Wilson. And most of all I loved House giving up being a Doctor to be with Wilson. Wow. If that's not love, I don't know what is. So perfect.

Also? House/Wilson won. Yeah, it's vindicating. House/Wilson for the win!

house/wilson, house

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