
Nov 29, 2011 21:44

Okay so I have to post a couple things about this Glee episode.

Well I knew an episode named I Kissed a Girl was going to have some good stuff. OMG THAT VERSION OF I KISSED YOUR GIRL WAS AWESOME!!! All the girls?!!! OMG my dreams are made. One half of my everyone/everyone ship was fulfilled and it was glorious. I loved all the girls sticking up for Santana and making the song more of a girl power anthem. So many ships!! Santana/Britney! Rachel/Quinn (ARM WRAP!), Santana/Brittany! Quinn/Tina! Quinn/Britney! Mercedes/Rachel! Santana/Quinn! Amazing and even Tina got to sing the song for real :) And of course, Santana ruled all and was super hot.

(Side Note: Rumor Has It/Someone Like You last episode was SO FUCKING AMAZING!!! One of my top 5 Glee songs ever not to mention performance...Santana killed it)

And then Blaine and Kurt got to do a duet! Awwww I missed them and their cuteness. I love how their voices blend together. And the touching! *squee* Such a fangirl. Although I will admit I thought Sebastian/Blaine was hot but Blaine/Kurt will always be my #1.

I am glad that Santana slapped them down though. Ughhh I can't believe Santana was the one to get in trouble and be forced to have to go through their little...I don't even know what to call it but
usomitai had it right when she called it patronizing. Finn was SO OUT OF LINE in outing her which is unacceptable ALWAYS. Ugh it's going take more than that for me to forgive him although the song was sweet. I figured her grandmother was going to rebuke her, after Burt, I knew not everyone was going to be cool with it. It was really sad though :( I'm just glad that Santana's getting more of a storyline.

Other brief notes: I love Puck and Shelby: SO HOT and it works. I'm just glad he's maturing. I hope they give Quinn more of a storyline because she really needs some guidance, I just feel bad for her now. Jolene cracked me up just because of the John/Rodney vid, I can't help it, that song will always be them. So glad Burt won too.

Okay now let me get to this election. Fair warning, this is going to be a rant. I am SO SICK OF TV SHOWS GETTING THE COLLEGE ADMISSIONS PROCESS WRONG WRONG WRONG. This whole season it's been driving me crazy and this episode was the most horrible example of it. First of all, why all the focus on Rachel and Kurt getting into NYADA? There are SO MANY colleges in NYC!! For god sake, at least mention Tisch. The focus on ONE college is so ridiculous especially since they don't even consider other colleges and in the performing arts, you want to try a LOT of schools.

But that's not the worst of it. WTF IS THIS STUPID BULLSHIT ABOUT ELECTIONS GETTING YOU INTO PERFORMING ARTS SCHOOL? ARE THEY OUT OF THEIR FUCKING MINDS???? Argh this stuff drives me insane. For one, being class president your senior year? NOT going to get you into ANY college. Class presidents are a dime a dozen when applying to colleges. If being class president WAS going to make any difference, it would be in actually doing good stuff to change the school. But since they're seniors, there's basically no time for them to do that because they're applying for college in the winter. But it doesn't even matter because being class president WONT GET YOU INTO PERFORMING ARTS SCHOOLS!!! Why the fuck would they care if you get voted first in some popularity contest? It's SINGING AND DANCING AND PERFORMING!! Yeah, if you do some amazing ECs that might help but small time stuff like being class president, being president of a small club, etc is NOTHING and doesn't help.

At least getting the lead in the school play would have helped Kurt because that has something to do with his college major and would give him experience. But there's SO MUCH else he could have done instead of wasting time with the stupid election. Like what? Well how about writing and performing in your own musical (could be short) where KURT is the star because he writes his own part. That's what I wanted him to do after he complained to his dad about not being able to get the part. Then upload it to the web and market it! Perform it to big groups getting valuable marketing skills as well. If he didn't want to write his own stuff, he could perform someone else's or remake something classic if he wants. Just be original and work on improving your performance skills. Another idea? Start a nonprofit or get involved in a nonprofit for musical kids and/or gay kids or work on a program to support young kids that want to perform. Just do something related to music that helps make him UNIQUE among the applicants.

And then of course the election BS leads to Rachel stuffing the ballot (which is just such a dumb move, I can't even) and getting kicked off of Glee *rolls eyes* Ughhh. I am so glad this storyline is over because it is taking me out of the show so much whenever it's on. It just feels like the writers go the lazy route of class president to stir up drama and get the storyline result they want (Rachel isn't in New Directions...again *DRAMA*) To be fair, a lot of TV shows do similar things and similarly annoy me not to mention many people just don't get the college admissions process but this is where you do some RESEARCH. And applying to more than one school doesn't take research, that's just common sense.

So yeah. I still love Glee, never fear but I had to get that off my chest. Now please Glee, keep up the gay and the character and relationship love and lose the stupid college admissions crap.

In other news, proving there is a kink meme for everything, a new Parks & Recreation kink meme is now here. It's very Leslie/Ben right now but go fill and leave prompts for everything. I LOVE this show right now and there's so many great ships to choose from. I am pretty pro-Leslie/anyone she wants so I'm up for anything. The last episode of P & R was just....*happiness* I'm a little in love with Leslie right now, she's kind of my hero. She's Leslie FUCKING Knope!! And if you haven't seen the show, you should watch it. The first season isn't that good but S2-4 are all wonderful and it's even more geeky as time has gone on.

Just have to say I'm SO happy about the warm 70s weather we're having in LA right now. It reminds me why I love it here.

los angeles, parks & recreation, glee

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