Vividcon 2010 Con Report (Much delayed)

Sep 15, 2010 19:25

This has been started and stopped so many times it's ridiculous. But here it is, my Vividcon 2010 con report:


I arrived Thursday with no problems thankfully although I still had to call about where to pick up the hotel shuttle because I forget EVERY year (you have to go downstairs to the Bus Transit Station and wait at Door #2 for future reference). Every year I think I won't be nervous going into the hotel but EVERY year, I still manage to be shaking in my boots. I was excited to see what the reaction would be to my new hairdo though (it's short and black). I enter into the lobby and immediately saw absolutedestiny, braver_creature, cappylicious, sisabet, sweetestdrain, greensilver, kuwdora, pipsqueaky, wistful_fever and probably other people I'm forgetting. Talked for a bit there and then went to get lunch with wistful_fever. That turned out to be a wise decision as she's a Glee fan! Had a great lunch together with good conversation and then went up to her room to watch vids. She completely pimped me into Chris/Corey Glee RPS and by the end of it I was dying of squee. So that was a lot of fun and a great way to start my con.

I took a short nap (don't ever start Vividcon with a sleep deficit, 1-4 hours is not enough) and then went to dinner with redina and talitha78 at the Thai place near the hotel. I had never had Thai food before but I tried the Pad Thai there and it was the BEST! I've tried another restaurant close to me but it was nowhere close to that. Anyways, I had a great dinner with lots of good conversation (this is a theme of Vividcon) and then we went to go back across the hotel and cross the dangerous street without traffic lights/crosslights and we see bop_radar , cherryice , jackiekjono and wistful_fever! So we go over and say hi and I finally got to meet bop_radar who is just so nice and awesome.

We then went to get our registeration packets, one of the most fun things because I get to see all the vid fandoms and such. I was super excited to see another Glee vid besides mine along with a bunch of other fandoms I was interested in as well to see that my vid was opening the second half. There was a TON of people at registeration which was really overwhelming for me, that's another one of those social anxiety things that never really goes away at Vividcon. But after a bit, I started meeting and talking to a whole lot of people who were there (that I'll never be able to remember sorry). I did finally get to meet akemi42 who I neglected last year and it was so much fun to talk to another True Blood fan! Soon mresundance came over and I got to meet him and we just started growing our little True Blood discussion circle with countessmary (so great getting to meet her!) and later hapex_legomena . I had fun talking about the ridiculousness of the books, the hotness of Eric/Godric (and the tragic underutilization), our shared goal of finding a song awesome enough for Lafayette as well as vidding related things. We moved into the Comet room because of noise later in the night but it was just a great way to start off Vividcon with a night full of great fannish conversation.

Friday morning I went to eat breakfast and then hung out in the con area with...people (totally blanking sorry). I went to Wayback Machine and briefly saw destina and barkley and then headed out for my all panel day. I got to take notes on my shiny new laptop which was sooo much easier than pen and paper. All the panels were awesome, see my notes for more although my favorite was like many people, deepad's Vidding as Choreography panel which was completely fascinating and made me see vidding differently (although I had totally seen vidding and dancing as alike when taking a dance course last year). Also helpful were the hot slashy dancing boy clips ;) I had a great lunch in the con suite with bironic, butterfly, roga and possibly someone else I'm forgetting talking about Adam/Kris, bandom, fic and other random topics. Also bradcpu showed up so I got to give him a hug. Another one of my favorite panels was Concrit which was completely fascinating and helpful in terms of thinking about vids and making them better. Then I went to my room and watched the Non-Attending Premieres vidshow DVD with laura47 which was fun and had some great vids in it.

I probably should have postphoned it because as it turned out, it took me forever to get my Adam Lambert costume ready, mostly the glittery parts. But yeah, I came down to Club Vivid at around 7 which wasn't nearly early enough so I gulped down some food and drinks so I could get really drunk in time for the dancing part of the evening (my goal for the evening). I was pretty terrified at this point as I had never worn something that drastically different for other people before but after awhile I calmed down some (maybe it was the alcohol) and people were pretty nice about it. There were other people in amazing outfits including dualbunny and radixiscat, cesperanza, bop_radar, laurashapiro, counteragent and a ton of people I'm forgetting. Then the dancing started and I forgot everything because of all the GREAT vids. I think Club Vivid will always be my favorite part of Vividcon because it is the perfect combination of vids, dancing, friendship, alcohol and love all around turned up to the highest level. I was drunker than last year thankfully and just had a blast dancing with everyone and seeing all the vids and dancing to Adam and Lady GaGa songs. I can't decide if this or last year was better, at this point they were both too ecstacy filled to tell (although I did miss the Obama vid, that was just perfect last year).

I then went down to the outdoor patio to find danegan as I hadn't met her yet and I had to finally meet her! She was there and just as awesome in person as she is online. I also met/talked to a bunch of other people including hobbit_feets and...other people (I was drunk, okay?) and then we headed to someone's room for a bit. That was fun but some of us were too loud for the TV/movie watchers so we went back down to the patio and enjoyed ourselves throughly. Then hobbit_feets, laura47 and me headed up to the con couches (I never know what to call that area) and hung around and talked for a bit before I was so tired I had to go to bed. It was definitely an amazing, fantastic night. Next morning I woke up around 9, my usual time and ate breakfast with nightchik which was fun. Then I went to some more panels and then went to have a Adam/Kris lunch with blacksquirrel butterfly revolutionaryjo roga (and someone else?) which was so much fun and wonderful to talk about my boys.

I snuck into the Patriarchy show to see the first Wire vid at VVC which was AWESOME and then did my typical panel routine until the Queer vidshow which was fabulous. I especially loved the last, Learning to Fly which I had never seen but now must see the movie for it (and loved the song). I then had Premieres dinner at the House O' Meat with paraka, kronos999, lovelokest and someone I can't remember the LJ name of, sorry. with a lot of Canaa talk and random fannish things. I then went upstairs to wait in the Premieres line where I talked people whose names I'm forgetting. Premieres was awesome as it was every year and I especially enjoyed I Just Can't Wait to Be King and Around the Bend (perfect for a con setting) and Pursuit of Happiness (first Premieres Wire vid!) and Goodbye (FNL!) as well as Citihall and Never Better (STRINGER!!) and a ton more (recs coming later).

I do have to say that I think that while I completely understand how Premieres is organized, I have personal preferences that differ from it because I prefer a more rollercoaster arrangement of vids wherein there is happy vid, deeper/darker vid, happy vid, deeper/darker vid, etc. I understand there are not enough uptempo vids for this to completely work and I don't mind a couple of less happy vids in a row but at several points during the vidshow I started having a hard time processing all the vids because my brain just needed a break. I do think the playlist makers do a GREAT job putting the show together (putting Pursuit of Happiness and Goodbye together is the BEST I have ever seen for spoilerish reasons) and this is just my personal bias but it does help me understand my reactions to some of the vids which I loved much more on rewatch.

Post-Premieres is always fun with being able to give insta-feedback (SO much easier than online) and then it was time for Karaoke which was amazing. Favorites coming to mind is I'm on a Boat, For Your Entertainment and the last literal Total Eclipse of the Heart which had me laughing so hard so many times. It was just perfect and I got to see Because I'm Awesome be karaoked (with technical problems of course lol) which was fun. I then went to rewatch some Club Vivid vids with bradcpu, millyliciousbananainpyjamascherryice""kuwdorawistful_fever and some other people I'm forgetting wherein we tried to livechat with rhoboat and chat a little with obsessive24 and buffyann who tragically weren't here :( Lots of good times there. Then I went to sleep kind of early for once but sleep was had and it was good.

Sunday is always kind of weird day for me as the last day of the (official) con still has the sad, tired atmosphere hanging over it. First I went to Vid Review where I attempted to write down what everyone had to say. It was one of the best Vid Reviews IMO, I liked the review vids in a group and REVIEW ALL THE VIDS goal that was a funny theme. Lunch was a lot of fun, finally got to grab some sweets in the con suite and talk to...people? Um I know there was some Wire talk with cappylicious, sisabet and seperis. Lunch is just always fun to get to talk to random people that I see. Then came In Depth Vid Review where it was really fun to get a better grasp on I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked and discuss how freaking awesome CITIHALL is which brought a cool geek/fan culture perspective on it. Someone mentioned they couldn't figure out what live action source they could vid it to...I was just thinking that it could work for The Wire, at the very least for the pot legalization part.

I know it was sometime during the day when I finally saw thingswithwings and talked to her and bit and then finally got more of a chance to talk to counteragent before Challenge vids started and I grabbed a seat next to bop_radar. This turned out to be very useful as we both shared similar reactions to the first BSG vid (SO CARTHARTIC-also fun to laugh at with a group) and then crying at the Skins vid (I totally forgot what happened on the show, need to rewatch). Lots of good vids in that one. A little after was the Auction show which ended with the perfect vid, sweetestdrain's Adam Lambert vid made for astolat which was AWESOME. Perfect way to end the official con for me and was so happymaking. Then came Dead Dog with the surprise news that elynross was stepping down as con chair and renenet was taking her place. The funniest part was when renenet was like, we will lead as two kings! LOL.

Next was the DVD rush and talking to various people including at the hotel desk (I had left my key AND wallet in my room), counteragent and yahtzee63, I headed down to dinner with settai, danegandeejaytalitha78lcsbanamresundance and others I'm forgetting which was a lot of fun to talk to everyone and have a good dinner in the House O'Meat. Then I went to mresundance's room for the True Blood party where first danegan, mresundance watched some True Blood vids and then akemideejayredinasvmadeylntalitha78, unovis_lj and others joined us to watch the new episode of True Blood. This episode was the PERFECT episode to watch with fans with lots of gayness (including the epic kind) and emo blood tears and dialogue and plenty of funny lines. It was just fun to all cheer or roll our eyes at the same parts. Then we watched The Gates and deejay explained everything that was going on. Around this time I left with akemi43 and unovis_lj to go watch Watchman together. akemi42 made a delicious drink for me, the Watson which made me like mint for the first time EVER. Enjoyed Watchman a lot but was too sleepy for it and had to call it a night around halfway.

Monday is as always sad and kind of depressing with everyone leaving.I said goodbye to a bunch of people in the lobby before breakfast (never will remember everyone, sorry). I went to the diner with a bunch of people and got a chance to talk to amniasis who joined par_avion and me in getting a decadent waffle with ice cream. Delicious. Then I hung out in the lobby with nightchik, countessmary, deejaymresundancelizbetann and a bunch of other people. It was good to just talk to people about fannish stuff among other things before I left as well as hug people before they left. Also got to talk to elynross and par_avion while packing and then later before I left. Finally I headed off to the airport, exhausted but ready to check my notes at the airport which I was doing. As a final VVC surprise, deejay surprised me in the airport as she was waiting for her flight near me.

All in all, it was one of the best Vividcon's I've been to, much more relaxed than past years even though I had TWO vids premiering. It was just really good to see so many of my favorite people as well as talk to new people and i feel like I got to talk to a good wide variety of people this year although there's never enough time to get to everyone. I had a lot of fun and it really just is heaven to be with so many vid loving, fannishly inclined people. It also pulled me out of my LJ/DW funk wherein I kept wanting to not read my Flist at all among other things and it helped me go from hate to indifference when it comes to Doctor Who which is MUCH appreciated. I do wish I could have more RL fandom interaction though as LJ really can feel kind of lonely and disconnected at times but I am grateful that it allows me to keep up with all the great people I know of or have met.

In other news, been feeling kind of withdrawy and procrastiny lately but trying to crawl out of that hole. At the moment, I'm totally in love with fashion which nicely coincides with New York Fashion Week. I've been watching The Rachel Zoe Show which is hilariously awesome and I am SO IN LOVE with Brad Goreski. Like, I keep saying I'd marry you (not literally cause he's gay) but like if I could create the looks of my future husband (hypothetically speaking), it'd be him (with a different personality although I do love his). He's just so cute and funny with perfect style. I die. I may now be saying this all the time cause of the show.

The biggest news is I'm moving to LA! I'm moving up the move date til next week which is kind of crazy but sometimes that is how the timing works out. I'm super excited, I really need to get away from this place which is cold after a delightfully warm 90s period (way too few this summer, barely got to the beach) and I'm sick of my parent's house and this city and just everything. I need a new environment, one that I love and that is completely inspiring to me. A bit worried about finding a job but I am determined to apply everywhere as soon as I get there and hopefully it'll all work out. I found a place though right near Hollywood and Highland that I'm really excited about. I really can't wait and I hope to get to visit with some LA people on my Flist.

On the new TV front, I'm FINALLY starting to get excited about this TV season. Started watching the new pilots and I'm surpringly pleased. Hellcats was cute but not my thing, Nikita was awesome in a girls kick ass and I like the two girl main characters way and Terriers was surprisingly lovable and possibly serial. Giving the latter ones a few episodes to see how serial they are which is going to be my main criteria this season besides funniness (for comedies). The shows I'm most looking forward to this season are sadly few but I'm going to check out Boardwalk Empire (should be a good replacement Treme), My Generation (exactly the kind of thing I like), Lonestar (supposed to be good and pure serial, I'm in) and Undercovers and I'm giving Hawaii Five O, Running Wilde, The Event and No Ordinary Family a couple episodes. Catching up on Gossip Girl now (I stopped early S3) and it's surprisingly enjoyable if only for the fashion (and the Lady GaGa appearance, DIE).

Oh yeah, we have two new kittens who are SO CUTE. Pictures to come in future posts. Going to be the worst part about moving.

los angeles, vidding, tv, vividcon, gossip girl, rl, brad goreski, the rachel zoe project, terriers, nikita

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