Glee Love!

May 18, 2010 22:56

Since it's all I can get myself to post about these days:

NPH IS ON!!!! I totally forgot he was going to be on. And deliciously evil, yay. Loooved the showstoppers conversion club lol, such a metaphor for the awful gay conversion things. Loved to see the flashback with Will and Doogie Neil.

The kids dreams were hilarious and so them hehe. TINA AND ARTIE CUTENESS YAY!!! I'm soo glad they had a plotline together. Also Jesse's back!! And he's just as dreamy as ever. He turns me into putty, I swear. Rachel's belief in her mom being a huge broadway star is so so her. And OMG Brian and Will? SO FUCKING SLASHY!! They are totally hatesex it's not even funny. And Will asked him to a BAR!! Cmon, slashy. And then they sang a DUET, TWO OF THEM!! I loved when they turned into friends and fellow singers. And then it totally looked like they were going to kiss with that small space between them but I'll take a hug. It's good to have a Will adult slash ship haha. And Dream On was AWESOME!! I am so glad they sang it and as a duet. I am just so in love with NPH's voice I can't even say. So hard to choose my favorite between them but NPH is always, always going to win there cause omg he is too hot to exist.

Even I knew Artie's miraculous foot healing was too fast for Glee lol. But I LOVED seeing him dance to Safety Dance which is a song I looove (since I heard it at CVV). Kevin McHale is definitely an awesome dancer. I really loved the mall setting and I hope that catches on with people doing mall dances, hehe. So much fun to have that spontaneous dancing which is one of the many reasons I love Glee. Poor Artie though, dreams can suck sometimes.

Loooved the pro-arts and pro-PE debate (to the PE thing I'll say I agree as LONG as kids get to CHOOSE what exercise they want to do), that was awesome. And angry sex!! OMG my thoughts totally went canon. AND IDINA IS RACHEL'S MOM!!!!!!!!!!! I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it. I couldn't believe they would put Idina on the show and have her not be Rachel's mom when they look SO MUCH alike. In their song together it was just eerie that they look so similar. And Shelby love aww I loved her speech. On another note, when do we get to meet Rachel's gay dads????? I reeeally want to meet them. But yeah, Rachel and Idina finally got to sing together!! So epic.

Dream a Little Dream of Me!! I loooove that song, not only for the Beecher/Kellar happy thoughts it gives me (or this gay movie watched) but because it's just so romantic and pretty. And I loooove Artie's voice. I firmly believe that no other actor could be better for this part because his voice is just so perfect and unique and is actually my favorite of all the cast. I also love seeing Tina and Mike dance together because they are both awesome and so cute. Still want more Tina background though.

All in all, lots of awesome highs, amazing songs and great character/relationship moments which is all I can ask for. Although I am SO EXCITED for next week it is not even funny. Going to be Epic.

My favorite Glee thing which is exactly what I hoped for when I saw the show is this Glee Flash Mob where people get together and form dances to Glee songs! Here's the first I think from Seattle:

image Click to view

I wish there was this kind of creativity around every corner. I totally want to join one! There's another one from Ohio U that is even more appropriate since Glee is set in Ohio. It just makes me so happy to see so many of them :)

Besides that nothing much else happening besides, work, working out, watching TV and trying to work on my hopeful Premiere vid as well as keeping up with fandom. Well that and my growing crush on Jillian Michaels guhhh. Oh also excited about Upfronts and the new TV shows for next year. Still most excited for Undercovers which yes, it's JJ so I do not trust it BUT the premise reminds me of Spyrents so I am looking forward to see if he can possibly capture that dynamic, if a little, again. Is there anything anyone wants me to post about this week? Cause seriously, I'm out of ideas right now.

Oh and anybody who watches House: has there been any super slashy House/Wilson episodes since The Down Low? I haven't seen any since then and unless it's H/W filled, I don't plan to.

undercovers, house, tv, glee, jillian michaels, rl

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