True Blood S1

Dec 28, 2009 21:29

So today I finished True Blood S1. I am of two minds of this show. The backstory is I started watching it when it premiered and watched the first two episodes and didn't like it. Bored by the characters, bored by the plot, liked the concept/metaphor and LOVED Lafayette but not quite enough. I thought I had watched up to 105 for some reason but in rewatching I realize I was wrong. So what convinced me to try it again? Three things:

lianri assured me that it got better and S2 was insanely slashy with Eric/Godricness. Quotes helped a lot as well.
2) Watching
bop_radar's Eric vid and being amazed by the sexiness/slashiness.
3) Hearing it was Adam Lambert's current favorite show. What, I'm easy, okay? The fanfic crossover helped too.

And now I'm done with S1 and I have to say, I am SO GLAD I kept going! Cause I still am bored by the plot and I still am bored by some of the characters but OMG I LOVE LAFAYETTE AND ERIC AND PAM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!! They are SO my type of characters that I go gaga over and I can't stop watching because I need more more more of them. Man I wish this was the Lafayette and Eric and Pam show. Although I'd probably die of too much sexiness. What I'm trying to say is, everyone should watch the show (or check out) for them because they are soooo awesome. 104 is a great introduction.

Also I love that the show can be really funny. And even when it's clichish, it does it in a very funny way so if I watch it in an amused way I don't really care. I despise Bill/Sookie on the show but I do give the show props for not making Sookie a victim at least sometimes.


I think it shows how much I cared about the plot/some characters when I didn't even know Rene's name til the final episode and didn't recognize him in the second to last episode. Oops. Mostly I am VERY glad that Sookie killed him, FUCK YES. I was afraid Sam and/or Bill would "save" her ugh. She even hit him again to make sure he was dead after I said that! Yay.

First, let's focus on the positives. LAFAYETTE!!! How so awesome? Favorite moments was when he took down the Aids Burger guy. Oh man I've never been so happy to see someone get punched! Oh man it was amazing. And then I loooved the scene where he confronted the hypocritical politician and looked DAMN FINE in a suit. God I love his arms, he's so hot. I love his hilarious comments especially about Jason (their subplot was too funny especially when he made him dance!! haha) and him dancing in front of his video camera was soo sexy. Hope he's alright next season cause more Lafayette would definitely be the best.

Then Fangtasia! Which is the greatest place. PAM! Ah I first fell in love with her when she didn't shake Sookie's hand and looked at her superiorly ha. And then, "We must be careful we serve no minors. In any capacity." Ahahaha I love it. And then Eric is just pure sexy in everything he does from his looks to the way he puts his hands in his pockets to the way he talks. Now see, I don't find Eric physically atrractive (face wise) but unlike Bill, his insane amounts of charisma and sexiness makes me ignore that and think he's super hot. I mean he says, "I heard." and it's insanely sexy. It's wonderful. I love his way with words like "I found her too pathetic for my attentions." muahaha. I love sexy evil. And seeing them pwn everyone else. And Eric and Bill are totally slashy. This was one of my favorite exchanges, Bill: Do you enjoy living halfway up his backside the way you do? Pam: Yes it's nice, you should try it." HELL YES!! That would totally be my response if I was fast enough on my feet. Other favorite Pam quote: "Also Thursday is Ladies Night so be sure to bring a date. That is, if you can get one." Muahaha yes. And Eric was so scary hot confronting that murderer. And Bill when he tries to threaten him later. I also loved when Pam rolled her eyes at Bill getting all defensive in Eric's face. Oh, boys.

The only other character I liked was Tara who was pretty badass and I love her tell it like it is style. Unfortunately her storylines mostly bored me (exorist plot? really?) I did love seeing CAIN from BSG come rescue her. Wonder what's going on there. Jason, Jason, Jason. Really pretty but reeeeeeeally really dumb. I seesaw between liking him, hating him and feeling sorry for him. But I never stop thinking that he is an idiot. As mentioned, I do love his plots with Lafayette but NO getting him killed is tolerated. Haaated his plot with the girl from Mean Girls, so boring and annoying. I did like Eddie though, that was sad. Vampires getting staked are definitely gross in this vampire story.

Sookie is tolerable but rather boring even with the mindreading. She gets positive points for being compared to Bella so at least she has a special power too and doesn't want to be protected like some damsel in distress. As for Bill well I have to agree with Eric, "Not smart Bill. Not smart at all." So true! I went from really disliking him to merely being bored when he at least had some good intentions toward the end of the season. But mostly I find everything about him unattractive especially personality. And I still really, really hate Bill/Sookie which represents everything I hate about lead actress/lead actor see each other, instantly fall in love and are IRRESTIBLY ATTRACTED!! Cause the writers say so and thus you must love them, KILL ME NOW. And it doesn't get any better (it's all sooo cliche) but if I ignore them I'm okay. The 112 grand gesture was nice though. Sam, also boring although I'm glad he wasn't bad by the end. I feel dumb for not getting the shapeshifter thing earlier but I did get it eventually before it was revealed that the dog was him. I did love how the smell the bed/smell Rene's jacket was handled, very nice.

One of my favorite funny moments was the girl Bill turned, instead of being depressed about being a vampire, she was HAPPY! OMG I could not stop laughing. And it highlighted how boringly and broodlingly Bill handles being a vampire. Live a little! Have some fun! Being a vampire is still being alive in a way so enjoy it.

I do love the whole vampire rights/gay rights parallel even if it's a bit anvilicious and angrymaking (at our current world mostly) sometimes. And they need to show some gay sex preferably with Lafayette, Eric and/or Pam pleeeease instead of all the blah het stuff (unless it's Eric/Pam which I could go for even if they're a bit too similar). I just need more of my favorite (gay) Trinity as that's what I'm calling them. Also I reeeeally want to meet Godric. 4 more episodes...

I did love seeing Artie and Ken's small guest roles on True Blood <3 Glee DVD tomorrow!! And I totally converted my mom to become a Glee fan, now she says it's her favorite show and she's only seen a little bit of 104 and some songs. Yay!

In other great news, my new Macbook Pro came today!! A day early :D I still need to get it all set up but eeee this is so exciting. I can't believe it's here :) I also bought some new small portable speakers, a keyboard cover and a lock/key for my new computer with my Christmas money. My baby is going to be getting a lot of stuff to keep it very safe and happy <3

glee, adam lambert, true blood

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