oh, 2006, what a year (not really)

Dec 15, 2006 21:11

what did you do in 2006 that you had never done before?: took happy pills. probably one of the scariest, most depressing things i've had to do. it's tough coming to the conclusion that i wasn't strong enough to accomplish something on my own. there's still a part of me that thinks anything can be accomplished if i try hard enough, but i just got worn down and couldn't handle the effort it would have taken. i went to a couple baseball games in philadelphia. ooh, i also saw the christmas revels. apparently this actually means something, like after your "first christmas revels" you may be hooked. oh, i also learned to knit. wait, one more, i also saw ted leo live, finally.
did anyone close to you give birth?: well, lynette isn't necessarily close to me, but she had jake, on january 22nd (i think, i'm horrible) and i'm hoping that i'll be able to be a real part of his life. i want him to know his auntie. shannon also had roane and he's just adorable. it was a really blessed year.
did anyone close to you die?: once again, not close to me personally, i hadn't met janet's father, but he passed away this summer and my aunt deb lost her mother.
what places did you visit?: sadly, nothing very exciting this year. more new jersey, florida again for spring training (with nigel, which was awesome), colorado a few times, and philadelphia for the phillies/red sox games. oh right, i also spent most of january and february in the virginia beach area.
what would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006?: i want to really love my job and feel great about what i'm doing with my life. i'd also like a new kitchen.
what date from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory?: this is a good question. opening day at fenway was fucking awesome, getting marzipan, and meeting my new nephews.
what was your biggest achievement of the year?: i guess it would be talking to my sister again. i don't know if it's anything i actually did or if it kind of just happened, but it was something i really wanted to do and even though things aren't perfect, it's nice to know i can communicate with her again.
what was your biggest failure?: believing in myself, i guess. i totally need to work on thinking i'm a worthwhile person.
did you suffer illness or injury?: once again, that pesky depression thing. i also thought i had strep, but apparently it wasn't.
what was the best thing you bought?: i don't think i bought anything really spectacular this year. i guess it would be my handy dandy banana republic tote. oh wait, and a really awesome necklace that is too cool to even describe.
whose behavior merited celebration?: jered, he's really trying to be a good father despite all the shit he's going through. he's not always perfect, but i'm really proud of how he's been with his family.
whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?: my father. he's totally abandoned my mother emotionally, and it pisses me right the fuck off.
where did most of your money go?: OMG, shoes. and bills i guess. actually, i'm not really sure. which probably means alcohol.
what did you get really, really, really excited about?: getting to 20 games at fenway, finally getting a date with the chem e, hanging out with cristina because she's ridiculously awesome, seeing ted leo and accidentally accosting him with my butt.
what song[s] will always remind you of 2006?: move along by the all american rejects because buzz was all about it one time when he visited, minus the bear - drilling and hooray, rocky votolato - mix tapes, cell mates, and sufjan stevens - the henney buggy band. sadly, natasha beddingfield - unwritten, thanks to the n. and a few folk songs that cristina and i would sing in the car, particularly country life.

compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? hmm, i'm going with a bit sadder.
ii. thinner or fatter? i think i may be a touch thinner, though, once again, feel fatter.
iii. richer or poorer? poorer by a lot.

what do you wish you'd done more of?: appreciating the people in my life, fixing up my apartment.
what do you wish you'd done less of?: self-loathing, doubting people liking me, sleeping, drinking.
how will you be spending the holidays?: i'm going home to colorado. i'm hoping to spend as much time with my nephews as possible. it's also likely that i'll get to go boarding, very nice.
how will you be spending new years?: at my neighbor's apartment, most likely. and i hope hanging out with all the important people in my life (at least those in boston).
did you fall in love in 2006?: nope. although, lately i've been pretending that i did. but clearly, i'm just confused and i have to keep reminding myself of that.
how many one night stands?: surprise, surprise, i've still got a running count of zero.
what was your favorite TV program?: supernatural, smallville.
do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?: no, however, there was a falling out of a friendship, which is disappointing.
do you like anyone now that you hated this time last year?: no
what was the best book you read?: you would think with the books i read this year, something would stand out, but i can't quite think of anything right now. i guess bayou farewell was pretty interesting.
what was your greatest musical discovery?: well i discovered i really like minus the bear, sufjan stevens, rocky votolato, and tilly and the wall.
what did you want and get?: well apparently a boyfriend. although, i'm still unsure how i feel about said boyfriend. i also wanted to make some great friends and got those, a pet, and i crossed off a few things from the 101 in 1001 list. oh wait, i also moved on. i really wanted that one.
what did you want and not get?: that apartment that i L-O-V-E. and probably some shoes. a great boyfriend who thinks i'm totally awesome and amazing.
what was your favorite film of this year?: hmm, i'm trying to think of what i saw that i really enjoyed. it's split between thank you for smoking and little miss sunshine.
what did you do on your birthday?: went out to dinner at sunset with james, matt, jay, and lynne, then had dessert at finale where curtis joined us, moseyed over to dillon's for a drink with bryan and then got entirely too drunk at a party, stole a balloon, had a fit and walked home crying. i am THAT awesome.
what one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?: being able to love myself and probably the ability to function like a normal person.
how would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2006?: the office fashionista (however, i do work with a bunch of engineers, so take that with a grain of salt).
what kept you sane?: cristina, some happy pills, nigel, susan.
which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?: clearly this is never going to change: jake gyllenhaal and lenny dinardo.
what political issue stirred you the most?: the fact that none of the people in our government are worth my support. they are all a bunch of hacks. oh, i also got pretty pissed off about kerry healey thinking that there are only two parties in america.
who did you miss?: buzz! and my family a little bit.... weird huh?
who was the best new person you met?: well, while i had met cristina last year, we didn't really get to know each other until this year, so i'm going with her.
tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2006: i'm wondering if i've really learned this yet, but it's coming: it's ok to ask for help. it's ok to open up to people; they will still love me regardless of my craziness. turns out once again, admitting the crazy actually does drive people away.
quote a song lyric that sums up your year: it's never good unless it's great.

meme, year in review, omg life

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