Join us for the annual Coral Springs Dog Day Run hosted by Dr. Steven Paul and his talented crew of volunteers!
This year the Gala Auction Dinner Night will be taking place on Friday, March 24th, from 6 pm to 10 pm at the Coral Springs Gymnasium (the same location as 2005's spectacular event!). Come check out the best buys and the best food in town! We have a wide variety of fabulous prizes for you to bid on!
All proceeds from this 501c3 not-for-profit charity event are directed towards charities and causes including Canine Companions of Independence, Sawgrass Nature Center, our local dog park, as well as Noah's Wish (for animal victims of Hurricane Katrina) and many more!
Tickets are $22 in advance, and $25 at the door. It's the best deal in town for a huge selection of food and the chance to win great prizes! If you're not interested in going yourself, try asking your parents or other friends! Get the word out! It's going to be a blast!
See Adam (, on aol instant messenger: elevenspades, myspace address: for ticket sales, or if you're a high-schooler looking for volunteer service hours let me know! For more information you can visit this web address:, or you can call 954-510-7390. We hope to see you there!
(Pass this bulletin around even if you're not going to be attending, just trying to get the word out!)