When I opened this posting window, LJ asked me if I wanted to restore from the saved draft. Okay, I said. This is what came up:
First food eaten today: fudge.
Am now remediating with a bowl of oat groats. Strangely, I still prefer the fudge.
And it's a true today as it was four days ago when I first wrote it!
(Actually, my first food today was a whole wheat scone. But "I still prefer the fudge" pretty much sums up my week.)
Before I started my experiment with daily posting in November, it would never have occurred to me to feel weird not posting for four days. But it does now, and I did. Feel weird I mean. Like I was hibernating inappropriately. Urge to hibernate is bad, so back to the discipline of regular posting I go.
Good things about this week:
1. Writing
I wrote two short fics in two days last weekend, a burst of creative fluency so unlike my usual habits that I think half the reason I didn't post the rest of the week was shock! I wrote an Amanda/Sarek story,
Outlier, that I'm so pleased with--it said exactly what I wanted to say without torturing me to get the words out. That was a beautiful experience, hard to describe. The ease of getting those words out was startling and could definitely become addictive.
Then I wrote
a little ficlet about adolescent Vulcans--and I did something else I've never done, which is allow myself the freedom implied by the drabblefest to post it even though it's not perfect, even though I know I'll do more to it before I call it a finished story.
I DO NOT DO THAT. Letting someone read my work before it's perfect-ish in my eyes is just--you would think I'd have done it, had a beta reader at some point or something, but no. Even when I post a snippet, I try to only post snippets I feel are "done." And yet I loved that, feeling like it was okay to post a day's work without holding it back for more and more and more polishing. I feel excited about having that story sketched out, in some places already feeling very visual and real, and I can come to it any time and do those things I already know will make it better.
These two stories add up to about 2100 words between them, and with each of them there was something special and unique about the process I went through to get to them. I love that--it feels like progress!
Okay, I was back to editing the life out of my WIP by yesterday, but at least I've proven to myself that it's possible to write fic without taking five million years and writing and erasing 5 words for every 1 I keep.
2. Um, some other stuff?
*racks brain*
Yes! Other stuff like the
where_no_woman drabblefest! I'm so delighted with the stories people wrote--just amazing diversity and quality. It wasn't until I indexed the stories that I realized just how many we had, and how many prompts were filled, and how great and inspired so many of them were. I know I don't deserve much credit for it, but it was so fun to choose those prompts, and based on the results I feel like people must have liked them, or found them meaningful.
I need to do a post reccing the stories I found most wonderful. This weekend, that's one of my projects.
And.....I cooked chickpeas from scratch. And managed not to eat all the fudge. Small victories FTW!