Nov 13, 2009 21:25
WriSoMiFu Stats, Day 13:
Tea units: 3 black, 1 rooibos
Chocolate units: 4
Potato chip units: infinity somebody please take them away
Procrastination methods: going back and forth to kitchen eating 3 potato chips at a time, replying to comments on yesterday's LJ post, checking FL, getting very sleepy
Actual writing: Editing. Editing. Going a little crazy with editing. I've been doing really well with starting scenes, picking a good moment to come in and so on, but my endings! WTF why is it so hard to end a scene? Is it because none of my scenes end with cliffhangers? I feel like they're just petering out WHY?
[Today's brain-dead update is courtesy of The Green Mill, where I spent last night listening to swing jazz instead of sleeping like a sane person.]
wrisomifu 2009