My plan for tomorrow: total news avoidance. I have a medical thing at midday and after that I'll be mildly sedated for a while, then on "couch rest" for 48 hours. It's kind of awkward timing because I'm supposed to be tranquil and calm during my couch rest, which I won't be if I have to see Wolf Fucking Blitzer talking to holograms or Newt Fucking Gingrich in any form. Hence the news blackout. I told my husband he can't tell me anything unless it's confirmation that it's over and Obama's won.
(I voted last week, fortunately. That and shoving money at the Planned Parenthood Action Fund are all I contributed to the election this year. No wait--there was ranting! And glowering. Ugh, time for more zen relaxation.)
Things I mean to do, so I don't forget them during my 48 hours of yogic breathing and Tivo-clearing:
- Type up recipe for gluten-free cake & post it
- Continue writing 10 minutes/day for WriSoMiFu, even if it's drivel
- Knit some sleeves for my stalled sweater
- Try to remember how to Illustrator
Time to bundle up on the couch and have ginger tea. My friends who are in the US, try not to let the election freak you out--it's going to be okay, I'm convinced of it.
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