Jan 09, 2006 14:50
Awk! Haven't had much time to update recently. I've been incredibly busy with navigating the maze that is admissions into higher education. In fact, I really should be over at LCC getting my student ID right now. And I'm going to have to ask for a loan from the United Bank of Ma & Pa, which is a huge blow to my dignity, but I have to pay for classes somehow. And a part of me is wondering why in the hell am I taking a mythology course? The answer: because I am a huge dork, and there's no way to deny the dorkiness in the core of who I am.
Speaking of things uber-dorky, I attended an SCA event on Saturday. Got stuck in the kitchens, preparing food for the feast. I now have a deep loathing for raw rutabagas, one almost needs a chainsaw to cut those suckers, but then again, chainsaws wouldn't be very "period". Likewise, at these events, I always encounter some foods that make me glad that I was born in the 20th century (viva cheeseburgers!). Maybe I'm just a meat-and-potatos sort of girl, but I like knowing what I'm eating. Yellow-orange goop tasting slightly of beans and pumpkins with what I assume were chunks of chicken or fish just isn't going to cut it. And after these events, I always have a renewed respect for the fact that I can wear pants and not cause a scandal. Really, I'm sure it's no coincidence that the Women's Rights Movement occured around the same time that women's jeans and slacks were becoming status quo.
Okay, enough of this. Time to get to LCC, and then go shopping (gulp) for text books.
Edit: I got my LCC ID, and it makes me want to tear off my face. If I said I'm not vain, that would make me a huge hypocrite, so thusly I declare that it is the worst friggin' picture of me ever taken! But at least I can get a discount on the bus now. I also decided to drop the online class that I was going to take, and added a Cusine of India class instead. I see chilies in my future, lots of chilies, and no beef. And I looked at prices for text books, saw how many books I needed for various classes, and then promptly fell down and curled up in a fetal ball. But one of my housemates may have most of the books I need for the Mythology class, but I wonder what she might want in return. Maybe I'll just be her bitch for a semester...
The above statement is a joke.