Running around again, running from running...

Jan 12, 2010 00:48

I've been MIA for 10 days... does that count as an unannounced mini-hiatus? >.>

Well, it was accidental. On the 4th, I moved back to school. I feel like I can breathe easier now that I'm back :) On the 8th, I started work, and haven't stopped until tonight (the 11th, technically). I can't believe I haven't had time for LJ and LJ updates considering I feel like I've done nothing except lay around, but hey. It's the way it went. I've finished the first 5 seasons of The Office :) so now I'm only 10? 11? away from being completely and totally done! Jim + Pam FOREVER!

Anyways, I can't wait for SPN's return, but in the meantime I've been keeping myself busy.

Work has been pretty manageable, as there has been an hours cut based on the winter season being poor for frozen yogurt sales. I'm lucky to still have a job, so I can't, as much as I like money, I like my sanity too. Fewer hours is easier for my life :) Classes start the 20th, and I'm working every day of the weekend + five-day-class week for a week and a half. I'm sure I'll make it out alive but I'm going to request a different work schedule next month, I'm pretty sure.

Interesting story of the night: at Red Mango, this guy comes in pretty often... he tends to talk to my co-worker about video games, and I'm not a gamer so I'm never really involved in the conversation. Tonight, he started talking about movies, so I started listening and participating in the conversation. He revealed that he spent ten years in the movie business, so it was then revealed that I am a film major and he gave me SO MUCH helpful advice! It was really amazing and it made me so happy...I literally took notes about all of the things he told me. Who knows what will come of it, but it was just ridiculously enlightening to hear how to go about doing what seems to be impossible. I feel sometimes like I have this sadly unachievable dream but this guy made me feel like what I want is attainable, as long as I work at it. It was hardly anything, but it made me feel awesome. :)

Also, I just read 150+ entries back in my friends even though I've been quiet, I read up! I'm sorry guys :( Major fail on my part. Hopefully it won't happen again, but school does start soon :/
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