I've got a big ego...

Sep 04, 2009 23:26

I'm all moved in, back in New York :) And I've never been more content to be living here. It's like breathing fresh air again (ironic, yeah?) Obviously I haven't been here in four months and yet I feel like I was here yesterday. Where does time go? Like, those four months I spent at home seem invisible now. When I'm at home, school seems like this imaginary place. And when I'm at school, I can hardly remember what home is like. It's such a strange sensation, I'm sure a few of you have felt it before too, yeah? Anyways, instead of dwelling on the strange I'd like to dwell on the positive.

I love this area. We walked the Brooklyn Bridge tonight to see my friend's new dorm in Brooklyn Heights and it's just so refreshing. It was a bit of sad walk back though because the lights are on at Ground Zero...led to a bit of depressing conversation crossing back to Manhattan. The lights make me especially sad :( I feel like this a redundant statement, because who wouldn't find them sad, but I don't know.

I still have so much more unpacking to do. I've been working at a steady rate of about five items of clothing per five hours. -_- I feel like I've been so busy today, even though I didn't do much. At 2 I headed over to the main building to help with Welcome Wagon (my ticket to moving in early... I still think it was worth it) which was, as you can imagine, EXHAUSTING. I am bruised and sore and I have to do it all again tomorrow. It was strangely fun though, and you develop an odd sense of camaraderie with the other Welcome Wagoners. I hope I stay friends with some of them. I feel like I hope this every day, but hey. Then we walked the bridge, like I said, and I stupidly bought groceries in Brooklyn and had to carry them back. A good work out, at least? Heh, heh. My shoulder blades don't think so -_-

Anyway, enough complaining. I need to legitimately unpack soon, although it probably won't happen tomorrow. I'm meeting my Aunt, Uncle and cousins for lunch :) (which I'm very excited about) and then I'm back to Welcome Wagon. And the day after that, my other roommates move in! It's going to be an exciting few days.

Also, after THAT is the amazing SPN Premiere Week of AWESOME. Guys, I'm so stoked. Get excited :D
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