
Jan 16, 2007 23:10

So I went to this retreat called Winter Vision. its my second to last time i can go as a camper. its kinda sad. :-( ive learned so much at these camps.

so the speaker that was the high school speaker was amazing. he really made me think about my life. one point he stressed was "What do you live for?" and "Is it worth living for?" and it just made me think. i thought of all those people i know that go to my school. why do they get good grades? so they can get into college, then get a good job, to support the family then you die. how depressing is that? and what happens when you die? you just turn into fertilizer? or do you think there is an "after"? what comes after death? the speaker brought up the point that people live their lives around dying. he said something like "we might not do it contiously but they- we do." thats why we cram everything into the begining so that we can "live life beore we die". but what are you living for? drugs? a relationship? a girl? a boy? money? do any of those choices make any sense? do they, because if they do i would like to know why.

ive choosen to live for God. because thats the only thing that makes sense. i dont get why people dont take the time to actually look at christianity and see what its really all about. because its not about going to church x amount of times or praying the loudest or doing x amount of good deeds. its not.

its about how God came to earth to live as 100% man while still being 100% God. and its about how He came down to live on earth, when He totally didnt need to but still did BECAUSE He loved us wanted to give us a way to go to hevean. us, you, me. And how He lived a sinless life, meaning He didnt do anything against God, or His laws and died a death on the cross; which if you dont know, its probably one of the most terrible ways to die. and after He died on the cross, He rose from the dead, therefore defeating death and giving us hope in an eternity in hevean with God. and He didnt have to do any of this. He did it because He loved us.
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