Jul 12, 2011 22:23
I'm leaving first in the morning. For like 2 weeks. I keep positive though. Yesterday I realized how to keep myself going even there. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that we all stood there for like an hour (literally!) after our training not even knowing how to say goodbyes and finally leave. That's awesome... I'm saving this amazing atmosphere inside me and I'm sure I'm gonna be fine this way. I downloaded thousands of songs of capoeira to learn plus my favorite Olodum to my mp3-player.
I also took lots of videos with Capoeira Angola to keep learning useful stuff while not doing it myself. And I probably will make myself do some short training of angola whenever\if I have enough energy after our practices. I hope I'm gonna be fine.
This would have been a dream-trip if... well, no ifs allowed. We will probably do something like that next year too) That will be cool. So far I'll just concentrate on being as positive out of classes as I was in. I'm sure things will work out.