yuletide stuff

Jan 08, 2011 14:05

Okay, so I will get to responding to comments and stuff, but for now here is my belated Yuletide post.

What I got:
"Place of Bones," by evagalli. 1,084 words. Watership Down, Fiver-centric. It's a lovely (if disturbing, but that's what I like) look into Fiver's mind during the events that took place at Cowslip's warren.

What I gave:
"Always," to palmedfire. 1,339 words. Robot Unicorn Attack origin story. The request was for tongue-in-cheek existential angst on the unicorn's part, which I did my best to fulfill. It's...well, it's Robot Unicorn Attack fanfiction. It was entertaining to write.

I am now pondering whether it's worth doing a fanfiction year in summary meme, like I did last year, or whether it would be a giant waste of my time. Or whether it would be a giant waste of my time and I'll do it anyway.

yuletide, fanfiction

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