(no subject)

Mar 31, 2009 16:31

So it's been a bit of a mixed day so far. On the one hand, it's a nice day, I have my new Threadless shirts (of course, now that I've gotten those, there's another one that I totally want), and I scheduled a doctor's appointment for tomorrow to get more tests run on my thyroid and other potential metabolic issues. On the other hand, my computer crashed and I'm stuck on the laptop while I run virus scans on it and the doctor's appointment is at ten in the morning. Back on the original hand, though, a kitten just licked my toes.

Something else that's awesome: tomorrow at polychromatic is Fourth Wall Day. That means players can come pester the characters. You can also bring characters from other games, crack accounts, and whatever else you please.

I will be posting with Lockon (haroicsacrifice) and I invite everyone to come harass him. I am okay with duplicate characters; the one thing I ask is that nobody bring Ali, because that would be a huge moodkiller, to say the least. The point is, troll him. Twincest fanart, Feldt hentai, Innovator accounts who know a little too much about him, whatever would make him flail. At least some of the other Meisters (denyinurgod, worthier, holyinhell, irresoluteness) will be offering up their characters for trolling as well.

polychromatic, computer, consumer whoring

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