Gundam 00, episode 30.

Nov 04, 2008 16:50

I'm going to try to turn my cynicism about this series around, you guys. I mean, I just voted for THE CANDIDATE OF HOPE AND CHANGE, I ought to be able to apply those principles to my entertainment as well. So here goes: I hope that Lyle will serve a satisfying role in the plot that justifies the cheapness of the tropes he employs. I hope that ( Read more... )

anime post, gratuitous gundam post, gundam 00

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Comments 10

twinbells November 4 2008, 21:58:18 UTC
Marina needs yet another class change. She went from:

Princess -> Kidnappee -> Babysitter

Give her an awesome class change next time plz, Sunrise!


annwyd November 5 2008, 02:39:14 UTC
She needs to be a Spoony Bard now!


luinthoron November 4 2008, 22:08:42 UTC
"I did it just to piss off Setsuna."

You know, this is exactly what he looked like there.

Also, my friend Saji might be clueless as hell, but Cataron's security fails equally badly. I mean, that guy just gave him a car... But yeah, hopefully Saji will learn from this. Actually, I'm quite certain he will since this whole situation almost seems to have been set up just for that. Well, that, and showing the A-Laws' methods to those of Celestial Being who hadn't seen them yet.


annwyd November 5 2008, 02:41:42 UTC
Yeah, uh, I wasn't pleased with Cataron's security. That's Too Stupid To Live right there.

I thought the last few episodes dragged out the Saji/Setsuna angst and conflict a little more than it really needed to be, so I'm looking forward to seeing Saji's arc actually go somewhere now.

I'm pretty sure the situation was also set up to spur some character development for Soma as well, and, if I'm lucky, for Lyle.


luinthoron November 5 2008, 07:11:29 UTC
Ah, yes, forgot Soma for a moment there, sorry... ^_^


parasaurolophus November 4 2008, 23:08:56 UTC
Saji gets angst, but at least he understands that the mess was entirely his fault. Now we'll see what he does about it.

Graha--er, MISTAH BUSHIDO seems to be flexing his authority to do whatever the heck he wants. He saw where things were going and wanted absolutely no part of it.

Soma is getting some serious misgivings about how A-LAWS works. I kept expecting her to try to stop those automatons herself.

I am looking forward to seeing Sergei punch more people.


annwyd November 5 2008, 02:44:49 UTC
I'm still waiting to see where the Graham I knew and loved--the one who was batshit crazy but also had a warped sense of honor and a devotion to his duty--has gone; right now he just seems like a drama queen. But I guess the MISUTAA BUSHIDO is an anvil hint that we'll start seeing the other stuff soon enough.

Soma could go two ways from here, I think. She could start sliding towards defection, or she could throw herself more aggressively into her duties. The former is the obvious choice, but her comment about how she's meant to be a soldier and she was wrong to think she could have more in life suggests she might first try to banish her doubts. Some kind of defection is pretty much guaranteed eventually, though. Kati as well, I think. Sergei will probably die before he gets the chance. ;_;


parasaurolophus November 5 2008, 02:49:15 UTC
I think Soma's choice will depend on what happens with Sergei.
I'm not sure about him defecting though.. he isn't part of A-LAWS, after all.


friendpersonpat November 5 2008, 00:23:31 UTC


annwyd November 5 2008, 02:39:49 UTC
you asshole, now I have "Prince Ali" stuck in my head :|


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