*happydance*It will be mine, in the space of a few days. Because I am a disgustingly spoiled brat, I am only paying for a small fragment of the cost. But it will be mine, oh yes. Finally, I will be able to get back to Photoshop and start iconing again. Finally, I will be able to run my computer for months on end the way I like without worrying
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Comments 21
I managed to get to the old level cap of 60 almost entirely on my own back in release playing a priest. Yes, the cloth-wearing healing class. And it's only gotten better since then. :|
(this message brought to you by Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., a subsidiary of Vivendi Entertainment. hee hee)
Well, I suppose I can always try the WoW trial that came with the last season of South Park before making my decision!
The trial version is a good thing to give it a shot, yep. If you give it a whirl and have any specific questions, then just drop me a line. Or any of your other friends who are WoWheads, as I see from the comments below. 6.6
Also, if you do go for CoH, make sure you pick the Virtue server. It's where all us cool people are!
Well, I'll think on it! I think my other friends who play CoH play on various servers.
Because, uh... it just is. Yes. And it has me.
It's also the 'unofficial RP server' which actually doesn't wind up meaning much of anything since people RP on all servers.
One word of warning. I believe the last issue to be sold in stores was... either I6 or I7. Right now CoH is on I10, with I11 coming in another month or so. That means you'll probably have (on a fast connection) a couple hours of downloading all the patches, since you'll be updating to 2 years worth of new stuff.
My main is a hunter, which is a soloing class, really; I mostly solo in general, or play with friends. Sometimes soloing gets a little fiddly, like when I'm running my priest around, but I consider that 'opportunity to develop skill'.
I suppose I'll have to poke at the trial to see what I think. :)
(I like classes where I can let loose and smash things, especially if there's also an option to heal, protect, and/or buff myself in the mix. I will probably wind up going with whatever game provides me with the most satisfyingly balanced smashy class.)
WoW was designed as a solo-leveling-friendly game; there is a crapton to do until the level cap, and a crapton more you can do after even if you don't want to raid.
For example, we are currently in the middle of Brewfest, where you get really, really drunk and capture pink elephants. No, really.
Why then in the late teens did soloing slow to a crawl involving frequent and painful death for both my husband and I on two different characters? Were we missing important NPCs, or something?
Word to the wise: check both the system requirements on whatever MMOs you want play and the graphics card on the computer your buying to make certain they're compatible. In my experience, you can't upgrade the slim towers, so you might wind up boning yourself if you get one that doesn't have enough power. (Though taking a quick glance at those three, it looks like they should be enough for WoW.)
But I have something to say. I'm getting a new computer too - do you have any reccomendations for what I should get? I have a limit of around 900 dollars though.
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