Date: April 5, 2003
Character(s): James Potter and Fred Weasley (or George, or Fred and George or Gred and Forge).
Location: WWW Redux
Status: Private
Summary: James crawls back to WWW Redux with his tail between his legs.
Completion: Incomplete
Even if he had a very good reason for having not been at work in a while, James found it more difficult than he imagined to head back and ask if he still had a job. The pampered-son-of-wealthy-parents part of him wanted to forget it completely and turn around to go anywhere else. The really-needing-money-and-near-to-starving part of him, though, told him to get his ass to the shop and beg and grovel on his knees if he had to.
Well, maybe not beg and grovel. Not at first, anyway.
When he poked his head in the door, he really hoped Merope wasn't about. The poor girl was pitiful, but something about her mouse-quiet ways and insistence on her own worthlessness put James on edge. He'd never met anyone so self-depracating before. Anyways, he didn't want to scare her, which seemed much too easy to do.
"Fred?" he called out. "George?" Either of them would do, though James shuddered at the thought of what George might remember from their little drinking binge at the Beedle Bar. James didn't remember half of what he'd said, though he vaguely remembered something about being the King of Belchers. Or something.
James stepped further inside, and called out the twins' names again, hesitantly. If they were in the back working on something potentially explosive, he didn't want to startle them.