More Sense8, now I've watched the Christmas special. Not a long review, but some comments. Also, spoilers...
...has anyone else noticed that Whispers super secret evil government conspiracy is actually really inept? I mean, Whispers, I don't like to be picky and I get you're doing your evil psychic best, but you can afford several secret facilities built in gleaming steel, a lot of men in Hazmat suits to glower at Jonas (but not stop him talking), an unlimited budget for international flights and an attack helicopter, but you can't hire one dude to sit outside the women's refuge where you're sure your prime suspect is hiding out? Or maybe to drop by her in laws on Christmas Day? Seriously, Nomi's flight from justice is the laziest flight I've ever seen. It's barely an amble. She shouldn't still be out there and unless there's a cunning plan going on behind the scenes, I'm going to be very disappointed.
....if there's a cunning plan I bet it's a Thunderbolt Ross plan. In fact, this entire organisation reeks of his management style. Whispers - are you his follow up to Operation Hulk? It would explain a lot.
....Kala - I love you, but you need to get a grip. Marrying Rajat was dumb. Not only because you don't love him, but I'm increasingly convinced he doesn't love you. He talks a lot about how much he does, but he obviously switches off any time you talk, and displays disturbingly little interest in your actual thoughts and feelings. What was more dumb, was not taking the out he offered you when he tried to break up with you on your honeymoon. I am not quite sure why you're going along with it - I don't want to think it's the stinking amounts of cash he pours on you.
...Will and Riley - your story is growing on me. I mean, it's not that exciting, but it is sincere and I rather like that you've basically sorted out your relationship. Riley is also coming into my good books although I feel bad that she's sort of relegated to 'Will's girlfriend and babysitter'. She also deserves more next season. Also, Will's dad. Doomed. Doomed. Doomed.
....Wolfgang - you're awesome and terrifying. Actually, same for Sun. I love you both, keep doing what you're doing. You're kick ass. Please don't leave Sun! I've heard rumours. Please don't! I love you so much and your entire cluster will die without you.
...I'm deeply unsettled by Capheus' change of face. I get it was propelled by an actor leaving under murky circumstances but the face is SO different. Old Capheus looked about ten years younger, and was little and smiley and perky. This guy is a lot bigger, and comes across as brooding. I'm not convinced that he's got the eternal sunshine of Capheus down and I fear change. Not sure.
...OK, so I still got a bit sniffly over Hallelujah. It was a very good song.
...Hernando is possibly the single coolest man in the world and holy crap that art class he was teaching. He is beyond suave and into a whole new world of incredible. Also, I continue to have hope for Lito. I want his story to perk up in the next season.
...Nomi - you're still a Mary Sue.
....creepy ghost Darryl Hannah! Eeeeee!
So, that was my review. How about you? Did you like the special?