A random general life update...

Jul 06, 2015 13:42

A random life update, as I'm here.

I have a job. It is a good job. It's in the field I've been trying to get into, doing a job I am really keen on. I start tomorrow and I'm simultaneously excited and terrified.

I had an awesome weekend in Blackpool. This is because I am not a very classy person and find old school seaside resorts to be the most awesome ever. And there were rollercoasters. Lots of rollercoasters. Plus bowls and arcade games and prizes and it was all of the awesome.

I am living in Glasgow. This is working well for me. I am constantly surprised by how quickly it's come to feel like 'home'. There are lovely people here, our flat is gorgeous and I feel better about my living environment than I have in forever.

I am hideously overweight. Like...very badly. I've gone up nearly 2 dress sizes in the last 18 months. My nicest clothes don't fit and I'm not sure how I'm meant to dress myself anymore. This is bad. It's also beginning to affect my movement - my walk is changing and I also am hitting new levels of unfitness. Hopefully next week I can start on a decent gym fitness programme. The weight gain I can maybe deal with. Not being able to run or climb is something I'm not OK with.

My flat is on the market. It isn't selling. I'm finding this stressful. Thankfully, I have a job, which means the absolute panic is easing, as I can't now exist past the three month mark that I had before, but it's still stressful. Plus, estate agents are evil.

My finances are a mess. This is mostly because I keep not really knowing what I have coming in and what I have going out from month to month. Sometimes money appears that I wasn't expecting. Sometimes massive unexpected expenses connected to the move/house sale arise. It makes planning really tough and I keep thinking I'm fine until suddenly I look at my bank balance and have to cancel everything for a day or so until I sort it out. This makes me unhappy.

I am due to go to Disneyland in January. This is exciting. I haven't had a proper holiday abroad in years. I am, however, a little scared about starting a new job with the words "I have a lot of pre-booked holiday".

I miss my cats.

I fear my GP, who is, from what I can tell, a bit of an active liability when it comes to mental health issues and also has an annoying habit of not actually looking at me when I'm in his office. I have, however, been transferred to the Glasgow CMHT and have an appointment with a psychiatrist on 7th August. Which I have to explain to NewJob somehow which I'm a bit nervous about.

I was going to go to BiCon. I got a new XboX instead. I feel like I somehow made a major statement about priorities in doing this. But Witcher 3 is awesome.

I have a new job. It starts tomorrow. I'm very scared...

weight, work, sickness&health, cats, vanity, house, general life update

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