A lazy Sunday

Aug 11, 2013 17:03

Right. Today I have...

    ...dropped Tina Greig off in Lewisham after a lovely visit from her*
    ...been for tasty Vietnamese food with Jeremiah Poppenbeck
    ...got my sister her birthday present
    ...ordered a new interview dress from the Pepperberry sale (recommended to all curvy ladies of my acquaintance. Although annoyingly they only go up to a size 18 which doesn't affect me but is vexing in general)...moved the drying around on the drying rack as it wasn't drying properly
    ...tidied the bedroom
    ...read some more Eva Ibbotson
    ...done the washing up.

I feel almost productive. Of course, what I really need to be doing is working on my lesson plan for Friday, but I'm building up to that.

What is everyone else doing today?

*It featured pub, cinema, the British Museum and a lounge picnic with wine. But not all today. That would be silly.

general life update

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