More on Zeitgeist Garou & Zeitgeist Cam-Anarch

Sep 01, 2005 15:12


pierot and I sat down today and worked out our approvals list for Zeitgeist Garou. Basically, everything is either:

  • Banned - Just no. Really. Behave. Now.
  • Highly restricted - If you come up with a really good concept we will talk about it.
  • Restricted - Come up with a good background and it'll depend on numbers etc already in the game. Unlikely to be more than one of this creature type in game.
  • Allowed - Gen up a PC and have fun!

The banned stuff is mostly comprised of creature types which have either been described as dead and extinct, are basically antagonists instead of protagonists within this venue, or really could not exist in the game setting, such as the Pumonca who's yava states that they die if they leave America.

Everything else is open to discussion. As another warning, the decision we've made is that we're going to allow Garou, Kinfolk and one corax (linked to the Tower of London) into play at first, and after that there will be one fera slot open for every ten garou characters that we have designed and brought into play.

We've also talked about starting rank. Cliath will be the base, with three people needed to make you a fostern, five for adren, nine for athro and thirteen for elder. Athro and Elder are going to be restricted on top of that. That doesn't mean 'no' - it means 'you need a background and a good reason'. Homid is not restricted - metis and lupus are restricted insomuch as we want at least 50% of the game to be homid, and if that starts to go by the by then we'll cut back on non-homid breed.

There are pretty much no banned totems etc - all pack totems are open, pending discussion with me and jez. Anything big has to be run past both of us.

Anyway, here is the list...

Extinct Fera

Grondr - banned
Apis - banned
Camazotz - banned

Living Fera

Corax - one slot linked to Tower of London.
Nuwisha - highly restricted
Nagah - banned
Ananasi - banned
Rokea - highly restricted
Ajaba - highly restricted
Gurahl - highly restricted
Ratkin - highly restricted
Freak Factor Ratkin - banned
Mokole - highly restricted
Kitsune - highly restricted

- Ceilican - restricted
- Bubasti - highly restricted
- Pumonica - banned
- Balaam - highly restricted
- Simba - restricted
- Khan - restricted
- Swara - highly restricted
- Qualmi - highly restricted
- Bagheera - restricted

Garou Tribes

Wendigo - highly restricted
Uktena - highly restricted
Croatan - banned
Bunyip - banned
White Howlers - banned
Children of Gaia
Get of Fenris
Black Furies
Shadow Lords
Silver Fangs
Bone Gnawers
Stargazers - restricted
Silent Striders - restricted
Red Talons - restricted


Garou kinfolk
Fera kinfolk - restricted
Kinfolk w/ numina etc - restricted

In other news, the next Zeitgeist Cam-Anarch game is going to be at the College Arms, timing in at about 5 pm and time out at 9.30 pm. The nearest tube station is Tottenham Court Road, and I'm sure most of you have been there in the past.

See you then!

zeitgeist lrp

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