Some films I saw and wot I thought

Sep 03, 2012 15:11

The Bourne Legacy - worth it as the Hawkeye origin story, or maybe a homage to the iconic motorbike chase scene in Terminator 2. Just don't try and link it too carefully to the original Bourne films. It'll just upset you.

The Expendables 2 - perfect. On every level. My heart sings now I have seen it. My life is, once more, complete. I had no idea a film could take the very essence of the 1990s action blockbuster (maybe late 1980s, actually), distil it, and then spray it all over the big screen. Also, worth it just for Chuck Norris turning up to tell a Chuck Norris joke.

Total Recall - pretty. Not exactly clever, and I'm a little confused as to why the United Federation of Britain was ruled by an American, or why the population of Australia seemed to be Americans with a thing for a kind of steam punk Chinese aesthetic, but I'm willing to overlook that. Worth a couple of hours of my time.

The Hunger Games - Best antidote to Twilight ever. Katniss Everdeen teaches me that it's OK to be tougher than the boy, that he can love you anyway, that fighting together and protecting each other is good, and that sometimes no one will rescue you but you. Also, it's OK to have an athletic but curvy figure and if she loses weight for the next movie I'm going to be very traumatized.

So, that's me. How about you?

things i have watched

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