Five Good Things

Jan 23, 2012 21:04

So, I just had a bit of a mini-explosion of rage about some stupid society stuff, which was, at least, a definite improvement on my horrid bleak hole of misery over the weekend.

However, I not going to let this warp my evening, for so far it has been lovely. I have unifex, andyrebranded, ksirafai, and castorlion over, and myself and Andy just celebrated an early Burns Night with haggis, neeps and tatties, followed with cheesecake for all.

I am going to see owls soon with faerierhona and this is making me remarkably happy, and I've had e mail conversations today with unifex, jholloway and spydacarnage, who are all good conversationalists which is an excellent thing.

This weekend it's my kid sister's birthday and I hopefully will get to have a lovely weekend seeing my family, and getting away from all of life's stresses and trauma.

Then the weekend after that, it's my birthday and I have a day planned with my sisters on a ceramics course which is my birthday/Christmas present from them. In theory we also still have a spa day to plan as well, which is my stepmother's present to all three of us, although finding a weekend when we're all available is proving an exciting challenge.

And these are all awesome and wonderful things.

I shall not, therefore, mope or whinge. I shall instead think about the good stuff in life and imagine what awesome things tomorrow might bring.

And just to finish it all off, I wrote a silly haiku.

things i love, poetry

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