Employment training opportunity for young women in Sri Lanka

Oct 22, 2011 17:55

    Being supporters of Asha Trust I wanted to tell you about a new initiative we're setting up in Athidiya. We've made links with one of Sri Lanka's leading restaurant owners to set up a scheme offering young people training in hospitatlity and tourism, plus a two month work placement in one of his restaurants followed by an interview, either with his business or another reputable hotel or restaurant. Inspired by Jamie's Kitchen - if you ever saw that series. This has the potential to completely transform these young peoples lives - as we know, a good job is absolutely key to escaping poverty.

    We are raising the money for this through Global Giving and the details are on this link.

    There is another element - we have entered this project into Global Giving's Girl Effect Challenge. If we attract lots of individual donors on the Global Giving site before 15 Nov, we could become one of the 12 organisations who will share all the funds raised through Girl Effect in 2012 - anticipated to be $25,000 per organisation! There are 60 organisations in the Challenge, giving us a one-in-five chance (reasonable odds, I reckon) , but we need lots of individual donors.
    So I'm asking two things - Would you consider making a donation and could you share the link with others in your netwrok?

    This is a huge opportunity and could enable many young people to secure a good job.
    Dont hesitate to get in touch if you want to know more.
    Many thanks

I seem to be doing a few charity appeals on here of late, so sorry about that, but they are always for organisations that really matter to me!

This is an organisation run by some people who used to work with my stepbrother's wife, so definitely a genuine and decent organisation. My stepbrother and family visited them when they were last out in Sri Lanka and were really impressed.

They currently need to raise another $9000 to be in with a chance of getting this $25000 funding. What's more, the more individual donors they get, the better their chances, so even a really small donation could really really help.

I know many of you probably already give as much as you can, and that's totally fine, but if any of you can spare a couple of quid, then it would be fantastic if you could throw it towards the Asha Trust.

making the world a better place

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