The American Taliban - This is a heartbreaking story and really really worth reading. The story of an American muslim who was captured in 2001 in Afghanistan and is now in prison.
Close up photographs of grains of sand - Taken from
nothingtoyou's LJ and these are amazing. Very close up photographs of grains of sand, showing the bits of shell and crystal that make them up. These remind me of
snowflakes I've seen photographed.
On why fiction and libraries are good. And why people who say 'reading romantic fiction means you get syphillis' are talking shite. - An awesome article which makes me want to hug the reader. In depressing news, my local village library is now only open 3 afternoons per week. I do not want to think about how much smaller and greyer my childhood would have been had that been the case when I was reading my whole way through it.
Roman medicine - An awesome discovery on a shipwreck. Lots of Roman era medicine found in amazingly good condition, giving out awesome information.