Five Good Things

Oct 20, 2009 12:06

1) I have World of Warcraft again, and got a small cute penguin pet in return for merging my WoW account with a battlenet account. This makes me happy. It's also Hallow's End which is really really fun.

2) Work is going really well - my boss said my first week's work was 'excellent', and my first school trip was a huge amount of fun. I got to do the lightning experiment and play with the tesla coil. And lo! It was glorious!

3) There's a really lovely small gelateria just up from Embankment which I discovered yesterday. Amazing dark chocolate ice cream, and wonderful rum and raisin. It's like ice cream heaven.

4) I get paid this week. Then I get paid again on the 13th November. So, I'm about to enter a short and glorious period of being rich! I may go quite mad with wealth.

5) I have just discovered a new, and very entertaining trashy historical writer. 'Mistress of the Art of Death', or CSI: 1172. It makes very little sense, but is great fun. I do recommend it. Oh, and if you're one of the very few people on my flist who likes romance novels, I also want to recommend Sherry Thomas for the most amazingly cheerful and non-creepy alpha male-tastic set of costumed romps I've ever encountered.

So, this is me. How are you?

work, things i love, general life update, books

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