
Aug 29, 2008 06:22

I'm now back in Seattle.

I like Seattle.

I'm staying at the Chocolate Brownie For Breakfast Green Tortoise Hostel near Pike's Place.

I am hoping to acquire a melsner today. I understand that he too is in the Seattle area, but I know not where.

I spent a chunk of yesterday shopping. A variety of people now have small and tatty gifts from random tourist shops. castorlion does not, and is proving tricksy. I'm considering lying and telling him I hate him and no longer to wish to be his friend. That'll save me the trouble of scouring yet more shops. molez has also suggested I tell Matt that his present was edible and got eaten. Or stolen by a rogue midget escaped from a circus. These are also all fine plans.

I can see Pike's Place Market through the window as I type. This is wonderful.

If anyone knows where melsner is, do feel free to let him know that I'm hunting him. Shall try texting him later, but am unsure how reliable my phone is being right now.

And now, onward. The smell of freshly baked brownie is calling to me...


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