
Aug 23, 2008 10:37

I only just woke up.

This is probably a sign that I've been tired lately.

I'm now awake, pottering, and in a fairly good mood with the world. Yesterday my boss called me into her office to tell me what a pleasure it is having me work there. I feel like work at the museum is going really well, and that makes me happy, even if I do seem to be lurching towards curatorial rather than conservation work. Still, it's a job in an atmosphere I enjoy, and it's the first job I've ever had which is theoretically a permanent 'forever' type of job.

I also spent yesterday evening in Newbury, where I drove down after work for my sister's birthday, which was odd. Newbury is changing, which makes me feel strange. There is an Anne Summer store on Northbrook Street (my teenage self was astonished. When I was living there, all one's lingerie came from M&S, or maybe Debenhams). The Clock Tower pub (where the travellers who came to Newbury to protest the bypass) is now an Irish theme bar, and there's a Costa Coffee on the bridge. WH Smith and McDonalds are still in the same place.

I filled up with petrol at Sainsburys and remembered the number of times I used to stand outside Sainsburys in my school uniform, waiting for my boyfriend to get out of work. He worked at the deli counter, you see.

I don't go back to Newbury very often, so it always has that effect on me.

I got home late, and flaked out. I'm considering now not going anywhere until this evening so I can get myself sorted for Monday when I'm heading statewards.

Oh, and apparently

Your result for Which DragonLance Character Are You?...

The Blue Lady

You're Kitiara, a bad-ass warrior out to conquer the world, and a notorious breaker of men's hearts.

Take Which DragonLance Character Are You? at HelloQuizzy

It surprised me. I don't think I'm quite that cool/evil. Am I?

meme, general life update

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