Thesis done...

Jun 18, 2008 11:31

...and handed in.

I actually finished writing at 9 pm last night.

I then sat up to 4 am formating, spell checking, making sure my abstract was OK, putting my bibliography in alphabetical order.

I got up at 8.20 am today to go into college, and then spent until 10.45 am faffing around with the printers to get the damn thing to print.

I finally handed it in around 11 am. Mark Sandy looked bemused when I handed it to him.

I've now got a final show to prepare for, plus assorted NewCourse & NewJob admin stuff to get sorted, so I don't really feel as if I'm able to relax yet, but at least the reports are now in.

Today, at least, I'm going to be falling over and trying to take it very very easy...


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