Visiting Holocaust Exhibitions

Jun 11, 2008 09:42

As most of you know, I'm currently writing my MA thesis on the ethics of displaying the photography of the Holocaust. I've got a billion quotes/opinions from assorted art historians/historians/sociologists/curators etc, but I really don't have anything from The Person Visiting The Museum (tm).

I was therefore wondering if there was anyone on here who would be OK with talking to me a bit, either via comments, or via e mail. Basically, if you've been to an exhibition of the Holocaust, in a museum context (Imperial War Museum, Holocaust Memorial Centre in the US or Israel, a local museum, a gallery - anything really), I'd really really appreciate hearing from you.

What I'd like to know, if possible, is

a) which photographs had the strongest impact on you/stuck in your memory the most.

b) what that emotional impact was - how did they make you feel?

c) what do you think about displaying holocaust photography? Do you ever feel uncomfortable or feel that it is inappropriate to display certain photographs? If so which ones, and why?

My e mail address is

I've got a whole load of rambling thoughts myself that I'll happily share with anyone who asks, but I'll try and avoid doing that on this post.

I'd really really appreciate anyone who can offer some opinions. I don't need to use anyone's name in my thesis, and I can avoid quoting anyone directly if they don't want to be quoted.


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