Three different things

Mar 28, 2008 11:54

1) The Times has a featurette on the inside of Indiana Jones' house. It's like Cribs for imaginary (but very cool) people.

2) I am considering going to the Imperial War Museum tomorrow. I know I've already tried to pitch this to skinny_cartman and ksirafai, but I'm wondering if anyone else is interested. You'll have to spend a lot of time in the Holocaust exhibition and listen to me wiffle a lot.

3) I have just been given a random extra week of holiday. Apparently my college was broken into over the Easter weekend and now needs to be shut down for a week while they 're-secure' it. This is making me think that either a lot of damage was done (apparently most of the IT equipment has gone) or they are secretly hiding government secrets in there which now need to be concealed yet again.

Either that or Camberwell realized that only the MA students were due back on Monday anyway, and decided we could all wait, and they could just tidy up the mess from the break in in their own time. I suspect the latter is the most likely, but the government secrets just sounds so much cooler.

discovery of wonderful things, plans, university

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