Borough Market

Sep 13, 2007 14:31

pierot, ksirafai and I went to Borough Market this afternoon, hunting for interesting food for dinner.

We found interesting food for dinner (poussin stuffed with assorted cool stuff) and also found a variety of other amazing things.

We found a shark displayed on a fishmonger's stall...

We found strangely named whiskey...

We also found very weird tobacco chocolate...

We also found baklava, but I refuse to put up pictures of baklava as that always misses the exceedingly decadent point of them. I had one piece of walnut baklava and I'm still feeling exceedingly fat!

In other news, I had an hour in college today, and then class broke up for tutorials, which are continuing next Thursday (when my tutorial is) and Friday. I'm also feeling slightly odd. This is, technically, my third Masters. If you don't count the Scottish Masters I got from Edinburgh, then it is my second Masters. It's my fourth year in postgraduate education. It's also the first year where I am going to be doing something which is not, in any way, shape or form, a taught Masters. It is a research based Masters which is strangely scary and also means that apparently everything I was taught last year is meant to be enough to carry me on my way into independent research. It must be said, I'm feeling strangely insecure right now...

discovery of wonderful things, university

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