
Jun 24, 2007 23:41

Just got back from the Aerosmith concert.

We nearly didn't make it. A combination of vile weather and having a headache meant that we (we being myself, pierot and isalani) spent most of the afternoon faffing. We first of all decided to skip the afternoon's support acts, and just head in for Joe Satriani and Aerosmith. By 6 pm, Jeremiah's headache had gotten worse.

There was a brief discussion about whether we should skip it entirely. Jeremiah dosed himself up on painkillers, and Anthony and I lurked hopefully.

Finally, at around 8 pm, we set off into the night.

In the end, we got there just as Aerosmith were coming onstage. I rather hopefully texted davywavy who was there somewhere too, but failed to make contact. I thought I saw him moving through the crowd at one point, and tried shouting, but got no response. Sorry Dave!

It was a nice gig. Not quite at the level of gloriousness of Bon Jovi, which was the last concert I went to, but good fun. I shall write up more tomorrow, but for the moment I shall just say that my boots are muddy, my knees are aching, and my cheeks are sore with smiling.

I need to do more gigs...


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