My garden...

Apr 15, 2007 12:04

It is an odd thing, but I am finding myself growing rather fond of gardening.

A couple of weeks back I attacked my garden with a lawn mower, and successfully quelled it into a flat patch of earth and grass which was usable for barbecues. This morning I mowed the lawn again, and spent a while digging determinedly at the earth with a trowel and managed to dig out some little flower beds and planted the wildflower seeds that the very lovely adze gave me. And I rather liked it.

I'm not sure quite why this surprises me so much. I suppose I just never thought I was this kind of person - the kind of girl who enjoyed digging, or planting, or weeding. I always thought I lacked patience and was generally too lazy, but I've found my Sunday mornings, pottering around and mucking about with the earth surprisingly restful, and by far the best form of exercise I've encountered since I moved out of the country. I'm awful at going to the gym. I don't enjoy it, and I don't see the point. A couple of hours of mowing, digging, weeding and raking is still exercise, but doesn't quite feel like it. It feels constructive, like I'm making something, creating something worthwhile.

I've now got a tiny flowerbed, marked out with little stones and pebbles, and I want more. I'm also developing Ideas about what I'd like to add in next. I quite like the process of planting seeds, and just waiting to see what happens. I've also found Wriggly Wormers, who appear to have a very exciting collection of plants, which I could possibly try sticking along the sides of my garden to make it look pretty, but which seem to take away some of the fun of planting them and waiting to see what happens. I think I'm currently more interested in Noah's Ark which have a variety of seeds which could provide me with many interesting things to throw in the earth, and then wait and see what comes up.

And I'm still bemused as to when I became a person who liked gardening. I think I'm getting old. What makes you lot feel as if you're pottering slowly towards your middle age?


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