These are a few of my favourite things...

Feb 22, 2005 13:24

Just randomly, I thought I'd post up one of my favourite pictures ever.

I love that picture. I love the way you can almost feel the heat, feel the crackle in the air. I love the movement, the way you can see the tiger's nervousness in his bunched neck muscles. I love the fact it reminds me of the monsoon season in Nepal, where you could bathe in the rain, it was so warm. I love the fact that it has a tiger, which is normally shown as something big and scary as the rather frightened kid in all this.

I think I identify rather strongly with that tiger at times.

I think I also love that picture because I like tigers, and thunderstorms, and the tropics. All three together - how can that be wrong?

I don't suppose anyone else wants to share one of their favourite pictures with me?

art, things i love, my life in pictures, ponderings & meanderings

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