Things That Make Me Happy

Nov 02, 2006 10:35

  • The weather suddenly shifting from a weird and unnatural autumn warmth to a gorgeous crisp cold.

  • My new house being warm and snug when I come in from the November wind.

  • My front room being painted a mellow cream colour, and set up with the TV, and the computer up on a desk, and a pile of cushions to sit on while I type this, gazing out at my garden (my garden, all of my very own).*

  • My boyfriend being affectionate very late at night, when I get to wrap myself around him before we go to sleep.

  • Being able to plan out Christmas outings, and look around for potential ballet or panto trips, and know it's all happening soon.

  • Knowing I've got enough money in my account to pay the mortgage.

  • Watching Cirque de Soleil on DVD and remembering again how very beautiful the Dralion show is.

  • Writing tat prose online and getting compliments on it. And having ideas for more.

And all those things make up for the general awfulness of yesterday. Today I shall tidy, cook, and try and sort out the house a little more, before buying kit for my college course. Anyway, how are you? Tell me what is making you happy today, or tell me what makes you sad and I'll try and cheer you up.

*This front room may actually require more plastering, and a carpenter to fix the skirting boards, but I won't think about that today.

rosie glow, things i love

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